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Category: Entrepreneurship

Samuel Dinnar
Samuel Dinnar joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the four primary factors that differentiate entrepreneurial negotiating: uncertainty, complexity, long-term thinking, and the impact of ego and emotion.
Samuel Dinnar
Samuel Dinnar joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how negotiating as a startup entrepreneur is different than how a veteran business owner might negotiate, primarily because so much of their story is proposed and not yet real.
Sarah Hiner
Sarah Hiner joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the best practices to help you break bad habits that are holding you back and preventing you from accomplishing your goals.
Chad Moutray
Chad Moutray joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the discrepancy in how the business media covers national job creation but not small business hiring, even when that’s the news.
Bernard Kerik
Bernard Kerik joins Jim Blasingame to discuss his new book, The Grave above the Grave, and how much more difficult it was to write than his other, more biographical books.
Soulaima Gourani
Soulaima Gourani joins Jim Blasingame to introduce her women-only community that is already successful in Scandinavia,
Steve Lohr
Steve Lohr joins Jim Blasingame to report on the way technology has both empowered small businesses and in some cases disrupted them, but on balance has been a net benefit for this sector, plus what it will take to increase AI adoption on Main Street.
Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame reveals what goes on in the head and heart of an entrepreneur when it’s time to pull the trigger on a risk that you know could turn out to be good or not so much.
Joel Libava
Joel Libava joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the “3 Ps” of franchising, including partnership, power, and profitability.
Joel Libava
Joel Libava joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why franchising is one of the great gifts America gave to the world, and to introduce two of the “3 Ps" of Franchising.

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