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Category: Human Resources, Healthcare, Benefits

Leigh Branham
Leigh Branham joins Jim Blasingame to discuss whether keeping the Millennial generation engaged is different from other generations.
Leigh Branham
Leigh Branham joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how to get the Millennial generation to be engaged when they don’t expect to be working for you for very long.
Leigh Branham
Leigh Branham joins Jim Blasingame to propose that Labor Day should be changed to “Worker Appreciation Day” and why he thinks that.
Lida Citroën
Lida Citroën joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the reasons every employer should consider veterans for any job opening they have.
Lida Citroën
Lida Citroën joins Jim Blasingame to report on the statistics that shows our military veterans have a higher level of unemployment than the rest of the population.
Bob Phibbs
Bob Phibbs joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the options small businesses have that makes the federal minimum wage unproductive.
Bob Phibbs
Bob Phibbs joins Jim Blasingame to report on a trend by companies to pay workers more than the federal minimum wage.
Grace-Marie Turner
Grace-Marie Turner joins Jim Blasingame to report on recent research that shows how small businesses are changing their growth and employment plans to avoid as much Obamacare damage as possible.
Adam Witty
Adam Witty joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the steps to take to let B employees seek employment elsewhere, to make room for new A employees.
Ken Gronbach
Ken Gronbach joins Jim Blasingame to offer suggestions on how small business owners should hire, mentor and manage Gen Y employees.

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