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Category: Innovation, Creativity

Dr. John Christy
Dr. John Christy joins Jim Blasingame to report that cutting U.S. carbon emissions – which are now at 1990, Kyoto levels -- will not impact climate change because of the emissions being created by 3rd world countries.
Dr. John Christy
Dr. John Christy joins Jim Blasingame to report on some of the fallacies of the climate change zealots, including that even as the planet is warming, death and destruction is less today than in the past.
Dr. John Christy
Dr. John Christy joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how, by definition, science can never be settled, whether it’s about climate change or anything else, and that the current debate is more about religious doctrine than science.
Dawn Fotopulos
Dawn Fotopulos joins Jim Blasingame to tell the story of Larry Janesky’s journey as an educator of contractor small business owners, and how he found a niche and filled it with great products and services.
Ed Harrington
Ed Harrington joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why you should brainstorm with customers too, especially around what they’re going to need tomorrow, and what their customers need.
Ed Harrington
Ed Harrington joins Jim Blasingame to reveal his experience conducting brainstorming with clients and why wanting only good ideas isn’t the way to approach this practice.
Philip Frechette
Philip Frechette joins Jim Blasingame to report on the MST method of pasteurizing milk and the global implications for business and consumers, especially in third world areas.
Philip Frechette
Philip Frechette joins Jim Blasingame to report on a new method of pasteurizing milk that will extend useful life and freshness and contribute to people in third-world countries.
Charles Wheelan
Charles Wheelan joins Jim Blasingame to discuss his new book, The Rationing, and why he chose to deliver his ideas in a novel, using characters to tell his story.
David Epstein
David Epstein joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how teams that are diverse with different perspectives and backgrounds become generalist teams that will call on the wisdom of crowds.

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