Category: Innovation, Creativity
Leo Haviland joins Jim Blasingame to report on what has become one of the great occurrences in modern U.S. history, which is the discovery of a wealth of natural gas and our conversion to it.
Morag Barrett joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the four elements – Ps – of change leadership, including purpose, picture, plan and pitch.
Morag Barrett joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the only thing that’s different about change in the millennia, which is the velocity, and how that’s coming to bear on change leaders.
David Dawsey joins Jim Blasingame to recommend you assign someone – maybe it’s you – to be the advocate and protector of your intellectual property assets and strategy.
David Dawsey joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how small businesses both create intellectual property but also use that of others, and how to create a strategy to do this successfully.
Paul Angles joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why 21st century consumers of digital leverage have an opportunity to use the capability while keeping a jaundiced eye on the corporate purveyor of that leverage.
Steve DelBianco joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the folly of federal anti-trust actions against 21st century technology companies.
Steve DelBianco joins Jim Blasingame to report on how some states have impinged on tech companies’ ability to use their digital tools without clear evidence of consumer harm.
Steve DelBianco joins Jim Blasingame to report on how some municipalities have tried to restrict tech businesses, like short-term-home-rentals – AirBnb, etc. – as a favor of the traditional industry players.
Kathy Perry joins Jim Blasingame to report on how Google is using its virtual digital assistant to compete with Amazon by distributing its products across platforms, including Apple.
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