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Category: Innovation, Creativity

Tom Asacker
Tom Asacker joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why love is for lovers, and anything you fall in love with today will contribute to taking you down tomorrow.
Tom Asacker
Tom Asacker joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that the new standard for survival in business today is to be bold every day, and that anything less is a recipe for being run over.
Jim Canterucci
Jim Canterucci joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to talk with your people as you increasingly need to add new things, including how to decide what needs to be dropped.
Jim Canterucci
Jim Canterucci joins Jim Blasingame to reveal ways to bring new things into your organization on a regular basis, even though you may feel you’re already maxed out.
Sarah Hiner
Sarah Hiner joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how a super-natural occurrence changed the life of this doctor, and whether you think our dimension is the only one.
Ed Harrington
Ed Harrington joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the three Ps that you must incorporate in the selling of your new concept or product, including premise, promise and proof.
Ed Harrington
Ed Harrington joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the many touch points involved in getting customers to be attracted to your new idea or product.
Joel Barker
Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to report on how probiotics and antibiotics are being combined to improve effectiveness, plus turning graphene into smart robots at the atomic level to be used as scouts and delivery.
Joel Barker
Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to report on the news that China has successfully manipulated human genes in a set of twins, and some of the many benefits and ethical firewalls going forward.
Joel Barker
Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to report on recent breakthroughs with turning plastic bottles, etc. into a kind of aerogel that becomes a multi-purpose insulator, thus turning a menacing waste into a useful product.

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