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Category: Innovation, Creativity

Nellie Akalp
Nellie Akalp joins Jim Blasingame to reveal what your rights are regarding intellectual property when you’re an employee or a contractor.
Lennox Cornwall
Lennox Cornwall joins Jim Blasingame to talk about why allowing employees to report any failures as a way to learn how to innovate, or how not to do something.
Lennox Cornwall
Lennox Cornwall joins Jim Blasingame to reveal what it can look like when things start working really well and you get so comfortable that you fail to recognize the next challenge and don’t innovate.
Judith Glaser
Judith Glaser joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how she used certain words to talk with a change agent within a company, and how over time those words creeped into the company lexicon and help them transform the business.
Phyllis Korkki
Phyllis Korkki joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the road blocks that prevent you from accomplishing that special project that’s on your mind, including how to get out of your own way.
Phyllis Korkki
Phyllis Korkki joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to identify the Big Thing in your life that you have burning inside of you to complete, and how to get started.
Jeff Zbar
Jeff Zbar joins Jim Blasingame to report on some of the new technology that learns and adjusts, and how this can be good – up to a point.
Gerald Celente
Gerald Celente joins Jim Blasingame to reveal what artificial intelligence is and how it can have a negative impact both short and long-term.
Cliff Ennico
Cliff Ennico joins Jim Blasingame to compare notes on what the prime motivators are that make customers do what they do.
Bryan Mattimore
Bryan Mattimore joins Jim Blasingame to encourage helping your team think beyond what they see in front of them, even if everyone thinks the ideas are crazy.

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