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Category: Innovation, Creativity

Joel Barker
Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to report on new research that shows focusing ultrasound treatment on the brains of rats reversed their Alzheimer’s disease, and human treatment is coming soon.
Joel Barker
Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to report on new 3D printing capability that could change the way we use concrete in the construction of high-rise projects.
Joel Barker
Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to report on new research that’s bringing us closer to harvesting power from the sun through orbiting collectors that focus the sun’s rays into power receptors and distributors.
Steve Martin
Steve Martin joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that your customers, not your competition, are who you should be watching and engaging, more than the competition.
Joel Barker
Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to report on two applications of nanotechnology that create advancements in medicine and steel.
Joel Barker
Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to report on how one husband used a 3-D printer to help doctors operate successfully on his wife and remove a tumor from behind her eye.
Joel Barker
Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to report on an innovation discovered at Rice University that shows that graphene turned into foam can increase the capacity of energy storage.
Joel Barker
Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to report on a medical and an energy innovation that were discovered at the verge, while looking for something else.
Rick Newman
Rick Newman joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the new innovations being developed to make your car your new mobile device, and how that will impact other industries.
Ken Tencer
Ken Tencer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal several tips and best practices for how to implement change that will increase your chances of success.

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