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Category: Innovation, Creativity

Joel Barker
Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to report on the discovery of methane gas that’s trapped on the ocean floor, and whether the harvesting of it will be beneficial or detrimental.
Joel Barker
Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the technology and potential applications of a robot that can move and run like an animal.
Ellen Rohr
Ellen Rohr joins Jim Blasingame to talk about ways to avoid letting creative pressure slow down your performance.
Ellen Rohr
Ellen Rohr joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some ideas on how to get creatively unstuck, including taking a shower, go outside and walk around, and be more aware of revelations first thing in the morning.
Ellen Rohr
Ellen Rohr joins Jim Blasingame to share her story about becoming creatively stuck and the specific things she did to get unstuck, including a little over-sharing.
Jonah  White
Jonah White joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how he got the idea for Billy Bob Teeth and how that turned into a global success and made him rich.
Jonah  White
Jonah White joins Jim Blasingame to reveal his real rags to tell his story about being raised in near poverty to his break-out idea that has sold 20 million units globally.
Rick Newman
Rick Newman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss whether in time Tesla will become known as an electric car company or creator of new battery technology.
Rick Newman
Rick Newman joins Jim Blasingame to report on how a Ford exec praised the Telsa electric car company and the implications of this company on the auto industry.
Dan Ward
Dan Ward joins Jim Blasingame to reveal his F.I.R.E method of innovation, and why approaching innovative changes incrementally is a best practice.

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