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Category: Innovation, Creativity

Ken Tencer
Ken Tencer joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how to simplify the process of creating an innovative culture, including using customer expectations as the primary guideline.
Dan Ward
Dan Ward joins Jim Blasingame to reveal his F.I.R.E method of innovation, and why approaching innovative changes incrementally is a best practice.
Dan Ward
Dan Ward joins Jim Blasingame to introduce his F.I.R.E method of accomplishing innovation in a way that is fast and effective.
Joel Barker
Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the potential for life-extending genetic therapy and the ethical implications this presents.
Joel Barker
Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to reveal new technology that could help the disabled have more mobility, plus new genetic therapy that could add years to your life.
Joel Barker
Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the potential for a helium-filled balloon tethered to the ground could use wind to create electricity.
Andrew J. Sherman
Andrew Sherman joins Jim Blasingame to explain how you can grow your business by realizing that you have powerful intangible assets in your business that you're not using.
Robert Brands
Robert Brands joins Jim Blasingame to tell a story about how a real company successfully used his method of cultivating ideas from within the organization.
Robert Brands
Robert Brands joins Jim Blasingame to explain how to cultivate ideas from your people and use a method that helps the team choose the best one for your business.
Terri Long
Jeremy Eden
Jeremy Eden and Terri Long joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how identifying and applying the previously under-used low hanging fruit in your organization can become a part of your quality process.

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