Category: Leadership, Ethics, Trust
Beverly Flaxington joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why every small business owner must learn how to segue from full-time manager to at least some percentage of their time devoted to the duties of the CEO.
Judith Glaser joins Jim Blasingame to share her journey with multiple cancers, and whether your attitude about being ill and life in general can have a therapeutic impact.
Judith Glaser joins Jim Blasingame to share the story of how cancer has impacted her family and herself, and what she’s learned from those experiences.
Bob Prosen joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the current exposure you may have in keeping key people from being poached, and how to avoid that.
Bob Prosen joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why any surprise you get is dangerous, and that the one you may be most in danger of getting is about your ability to keep key people.
Arky Ciancutti joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the current convergence of divergent forces -- high tech leverage and high touch humanity -- and that a digital interface must be created, because “humans require trust.”
Arky Ciancutti joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the fact that the first version of digital leverage, including AI, was created without any ethical elements or allowance for trust, but that going forward, that will no longer be acceptable.
Arky Ciancutti joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how differently he would write his landmark book, Built on Trust, if he were writing it today, in the digital age.
Wally Bock joins Jim Blasingame to recommend two business books that will help you improve your company and then tell the story to customers.
Wally Bock joins Jim Blasingame to recommend Tom Peters' new book on excellence as a good guide for small business owners.
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