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Category: Mobile Computing & Telecommunication

Mike Effle
Is your small business ready for mobile customers? Mike Effle joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the expectations of customers who want to reach you on their smart phones, and how to meet those expectations.
Patricia Sigmon
How much cloud computing does your business use? Pat Sigmon joins Jim Blasingame to encourage small businesses to find ways to have parallel capability in the cloud, if not as a primary system, as a back-up for emergencies.
Patricia Sigmon
How much are you investing in cloud and mobile technology? Pat Sigmon joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why every small business must be investing in and using cloud-based and mobile computing technologies.
Jim Blasingame
What does your mobile strategy look like? Jim Blasingame reveals what your small business has to do to be ready for mobile prime time, including whether to have a mobile app or a mobile site.
Daniel Saks
Will cloud-based applications be opportunity for you or disruption? Daniel Saks joins Jim Blasingame to encourage small business owners to turn cloud-based applications into opportunities, instead of being disrupted by the apps of others.
Daniel Saks
Cloud-based apps are powerful small business tools. Daniel Saks joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the power of cloud-based applications and a new service that connects small business owners with apps for their specific task.
Chuck Martin
Small businesses can compete against the online giants. Chuck Martin joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the steps small businesses can take to compete with online giants like Amazon by developing a simple mobile strategy.
Chuck Martin
Consumers are increasingly using mobile computing as a purchasing tool. Chuck Martin joins Jim Blasingame to report some of the recent development on how consumers are using their smart phones to shop and buy.
Chuck Martin
Where is mobile computing in the marketplace? Chuck Martin joins Jim Blasingame to report on the explosion of mobile computing and mobile devices in the U.S. and worldwide.
Ilise Benun
This business owner kept working during Hurricane Sandy. Ilise Benun joins Jim Blasingame to report on how she kept working off-site, in the Cloud, when Hurricane Sandy kept her out of her office.

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