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Category: Online Technologies, e-Business, Cybersecurity

Sarah Hiner
Sarah Hiner joins Jim Blasingame to report on some of the sites that can help you get your passwords under control, so you only have to remember one.
Dario Ambrosini
Dario Ambrosini joins Jim Blasingame to recommend several steps to take the attract the on-demand customer, including having reviews and making the experience very handy.
Dario Ambrosini
Dario Ambrosini joins Jim Blasingame to reveal what the “on-demand customer” looks like, what they’re expectations are, and how to serve them.
Scott Aurnou
Scott Aurnou joins Jim Blasingame to recommend reviewing where your organization could be exposed to threats against your information, digital and online assets, and activity.
Scott Aurnou
Scott Aurnou joins Jim Blasingame to report on the new information security document for small business, and why he recommends you read it, plus a Facebook instant messenger threat to avoid.
Scott Aurnou
Scott Aurnou joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the information security practices to apply, including how to avoid becoming a victim of credit card skimmers when you check out in retail stores.
Greg Sullivan
Greg Sullivan joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that small businesses are in the crosshairs of ransom ware bad guys, how to minimize your risk with better backup practices, and employee training.
Greg Sullivan
Greg Sullivan joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how most cyber-threats from the outside are actually allowed in by bad practices from within your organization, and how to minimize this risk.
Kathy Perry
Kathy Perry joins Jim Blasingame to report on the conflict of interest Amazon’s white label products strategy will create with its customers, and probably get away with it.
Kathy Perry
Kathy Perry joins Jim Blasingame to explain how Google is creating a set of search indexing algorithms, that favor websites with mobile programming, at the exclusion of those who don’t.

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