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Category: Online Technologies, e-Business, Cybersecurity

Gus Faucher
Gus Faucher joins Jim Blasingame to report on the PNC survey of small businesses that shows they’re not hiring, or investing, at the level that would indicate a growing economy.
Amit Mathradas
Amit Mathradas joins Jim Blasingame to review the security issues we’re all concerned about, and explain what PayPal is doing to help small businesses offer secure checkout for their customers.
Amit Mathradas
Amit Mathradas joins Jim Blasingame to encourage small businesses to make the online checkout experience for customers easier by adding one-step processing, like the one offered by PayPal.
Amit Mathradas
Amit Mathradas joins Jim Blasingame to offer his take on how the e-commerce landscape looks, and why every small business must have an e-commerce component on their site.
Bret Piatt
Bret Piatt joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the multi-faceted approach to cyber-security, that every small business needs to focus on, especially if you have customer info to protect.
Bret Piatt
Bret Piatt joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the causes of a “denial of service” incident, where a website or a network is assaulted and shut down, in this case, by an attack from millions of internet-of-things.
Rick Mathieson
Rick Mathieson joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why getting the key words right will help prospects narrow their search, with you on top of the stack.
Ruth King
Ruth King joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the ways that small businesses fail in their marketing, by making gut-reaction decisions.
Ruth King
Ruth King joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that by tracking and testing your marketing efforts, you can fine-tune your strategy in a way that will maximize your marketing budget and drive more profitable sales.
Gene Marks
Gene Marks joins Jim Blasingame to report on a new application that combines texting and instant messaging, plus aggregates Outlook, to give teams more control over internal correspondence.

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