Tuesday - February 01, 2005
Continuing his effort to increase small business owners’ awareness of wellness issues, Jim interviews Dr. Andrea Pennington author of The Pennington Plan about her 5 step approach to wellness.
Everyday before the Federal Reserve opens, market committee meets to discuss the economy and what to do with short term interest rates. Jim conducts interviews with nationally recognized economists on their thoughts about the economy and what they think the fed will do the next day. Today’s expert joining Jim again today is Richard DeKaser, senior VP and chief economist of National City Bank Corp during his Fed watch show.
Continuing his series operating fund New Year resolutions, Jim talks one on one with the audience about the importance of outsourcing as an operating and marketing strategy.
Rod small business editor at SmallBusinessWeek.com joins Jim to discuss a recent report on family businesses including succession issues and 21st century influences.
Wednesday - February 02, 2005
Jim continues his one-on-one discussion about management fundamentals today he talked about the importance of helping employees to be entrepreneurial and why small business owners should get out of their businesses and spend time with other business owners.
Steve joins Jim with an update on possible legislation that would impose the collection of sales tax on remote sales like internet sales and catalog sales. If this legislation is passed, without simplifying the tax collect system, it would be a prohibitive requirement for small businesses.
During her 1st visit with Jim, Diane talks about some of the financial advantages of being a small business owner including tax avoidance opportunities.
Joe and Jim talk about how to plan your future by understanding more about yourself and those around you. One of the methods proposed is the DISC profile method.
Thursday - February 03, 2005
Beverley joins Jim for their bi-weekly visit to talk about home based business interest and opportunities for America’s older entrepreneurs.
Wayne reports to Jim and his audience about some of the current cyber security issues with emphasis on market solutions rather than government solutions.
Joan and Jim discuss the president’s challenges in trying to meet his goal of cutting the deficit in half by 2009. They move on to talk about how some states are offering healthcare subsidies to their businesses. Also covered is a movement to reduce the use of social security numbers for identification due to an increase in identity theft. They discuss how this practice could place a hardship on businesses doing background checks. Also discussed is the fact that the new homeland security chief Michael Chertoff should be freeing up several billion dollars in contract funds for businesses to bid on. They also discussed innovative packaging including beer bottles in different shapes and talking packages. Finally, Jim and Joan comment on the courage of the millions of Iraqis who were not only willing to vote but to be branded as voters by the purple ink on their fingers.
Friday - February 04, 2005
Rich joins Jim to discuss several of the initiatives of President Bush’s 2005 State of the Union speech.
Joe joins Jim to talk about 3 seductive business myths that can get you into trouble.
Dr. Sharon is Jim’s first guest talking about the growth of women’s business ownership. Then Dr. Hadary becomes Jim’s co-host as they interview a real ladies business owner, Lani Click.
Monday - February 07, 2005
Jim continues his review of management resolutions including the importance of a business plan on paper and sharing the business plan with the managing employees of the company.
Gov. Gilmore discusses with Jim his opinion of key elements of President Bush’s State of the Union speech. He also talks of homeland security opportunities for small businesses and whether America is safer today than before 9/11.
Namcy and Jim continue their long running discussion about the value and importance of using our intuition in the process of solving problems and taking advantage of opportunities.
John joins Jim for the first time to discuss why tracking your Web site activity is not only important to maximize investment but also to understand how people use your Web site to take advantage of online opportunities. John also provides and explanation on how Web site tracking software works.
Tuesday - February 08, 2005
Jim takes a few minutes to discuss resolution number eight of his management resolutions for small businesses. This one is on leadership, and he identifies the five important things we know about leaders.
Jack joins Jim to talk about the importance of developing leadership in our employees and then why it’s important to value our employees as our best assets.
Don and Jim discuss how to make sure that you close the sale and the time is right, including something Don calls “the traffic signals of closing.”
Continuing their series on the laws of the business buying and selling jungle, Russ and Jim discuss how to identify obsolete equipment and inventory when you are purchasing a business, why it’s important to not pay book value for these items, and how to negotiate them out of the transaction.
Wednesday - February 09, 2005
Continuing his series on operational fundamentals, specifically about management fundamentals, Jim talks about the importance of becoming a better negotiator. He speaks of the tips, the skills, and the techniques of a good negotiator and the importance of negotiating in good faith. He goes on to talk about the importance of recognizing the increased role that intellectual property also known as intangible assets are playing in the success of 21st century of small businesses.
Dr. Dunkelberg joins Jim for his monthly visit to report on his survey of small businesses for the month of January. The news is good. Sales are up hiring is up capital is strong and small business optimism is near record levels.
JoAnna joins Jim for their 7th anniversary show to talk about the importance of hiring people who can deliver what our customers expect from us which is more than just good products and services. They expect a great experience.
Chuck joins Jim for their 6th anniversary show to discus Chuck’s outlook on small business and the economy in 2005. They talk about the small business are impacted by global economy and what impact privatizing social security will have on the market and the market place.
Thursday - February 10, 2005
Jeff and Jim talk about how micropreneurs can find opportunities through networking and replacing old opportunities with new ones.
Steve discusses with Jim how businesses should think about the concept of critical mass including determining when to grow to the next step and when to invest in the next step.
Jim and Joan discuss the trends in retail sales, including the impact of online sales, as well as the trend towards industry consolidation. They also discuss the likely presidential candidates for 2008. They move on to talk about the expanding influences of globalization and wrap up with a brief discussion of recent developments in Palestine.
Friday - February 11, 2005
On the anniversary of Bill’s 7th year as a member of the BT, Bill and Jim talk about the importance of updating your employee handbook with emphasis on establishing policies for the use of internet and email for personal business as well as the use of personal cell phones on job.
For the 6th consecutive year, Pres. Abraham Lincoln joins Jim on the anniversary of his birthday. This year the President talks to Jim about importance of learning and the three steps he has discovered about learning how to learn. Later in the show Eugene also stops by to reflect on the legacy of Pres. Lincoln.
Congratulations chocolate lovers, according to registered dietician Robyn Flipse, chocolate is a vegetable and when processed and prepared properly it is actually good for you.
Jim interviews tow women entrepreneurs about how they got their business started and the challenges of being a woman entrepreneur.
Wednesday - February 16, 2005
Finishing up the series on marketplace resolutions for small businesses, Jim talks about the importance of differentiating your business from competitors. He goes on to explain the importance of creating partnerships with larger companies as opposed to just being a vendor. Jim says one of the keys to long term success is to not just sell to your customers but to become an integrated partner with your customers.
Andrew and Jim explain the differences in the investment capital environment now compared to the same environment of the 1990’s, including the steps that would have to be taken by any company seeking investment capital in the 21st century.
During Gail’s first visit with Jim, she explains how to set personal and professional goals and keep them.
Now in his eighth year on Jim’s Show, Tim Berry and Jim begin a new series on how to begin and build a written business plan.
Thursday - February 17, 2005
After Jim gets over his excitement for getting Girl Scout cookies, Beverley and Jim talk about the 21st century environment for home based businesses, especially for personal services and especially for retirees who start home based businesses.
In his monthly report, Sam delivers the results of the latest Tatum survey, which indicates that the economy, while softening as compared to 2004, is building into what should be a solid 2005 economy.
Joan and Jim discuss several legislative proposals that should be good news for the business community in 2005 including tort reform, the possibility of passing a new bankruptcy law, an energy bill and capping medical malpractice awards. They go on to talk about the broad language used in the new manufacturing deductions, as well as new rules for deferred compensation plans. Also discussed is the forecasting of fewer Mexican migrants to the U.S. over the next five years as a result of an improved Mexican economy.
Friday - February 18, 2005
Stephanie joins Jim to discuss the current budget and Pres. Bush as well as the reorganization of the appropriations committee. She also talks about the importance of small business and communities improving their communications with members of the elected representatives.
Jim discusses the growth of entrepreneurship around the world as he sites research conducted by Global Entrepreneur Monitor which is published each year and led by Babson College. One key statistic in this research found was that approximately 75 million humans on planet earth who are actively starting a business or are operating a new business. Jim offers his ideas of why this kind of entrepreneur energy bodes well for a peaceful 21st century.
Doug shares another exporting success story by a small business that decided to sell their products outside the U.S. They go on to talk about how the U.S.Commercial services help small businesses become successful exporters.
Throwing caution to the wind and in great peril to their safety Mike and Jim discuss women in the market place. Both of these guys are strong proponents
<br>of the advances of women in the market place and they discuss some of those advances during their visit.
Monday - February 21, 2005
Jim continues his series on 2005 New Year resolutions This week he’s talking about technology. Today he talks about the importance of small business being able to leverage technology in order to not only compete with large companies but to partner with large companies.
Bob joins Jim on Presidents Day to talk bout his perspectives on the American market place, on the global marketplace and his perspectives on the two marketplaces in the 21st century.
Tony and Jim talk about the importance of small business recognizing, leveraging and deploying their brands in the marketplace.
Burt is the resident historian in the brain trust and he joins Jim on Presidents Day to talk about the uniqueness of the American presidency and how it has developed since the beginning of America including some of the key holders of this office.
Tuesday - February 22, 2005
Jim continues his 2005 New Year’s resolutions regarding technology by encouraging his listeners to find out how to add e-shopping, e-customer service and e-commerce to their website. He continues by identifying a number of different application resources that are available online to small business owners, which help improve operating efficiencies and contribute to profitability.
Administrator Barreto joins Jim to report that the SBA will have a record 22 billion dollars available for loan guarantees for small businesses in 2005. He also discusses with Jim the progress being made in tort reform and how that progress is good for small business. They continue their discussion by talking about the business match making events that are conducted around the country to help small businesses compete for contracts with government agencies and government contractors.
During her first visit with Jim, Dr. Fletcher explains how to identify and work within our smart zones, including ways to minimize stress and eliminating unproductive words from our vocabulary that we use with others and with ourselves.
Steve joins Jim with his new book to discuss the difference between setting goals in life and being committed to our goals.
Wednesday - February 23, 2005
Rich and Jim talk about some for the different between Americas in interest in spreading freedom throughout the world and Europe’s desire merely for stability. They go on to discuss early legislative success by Pres. Bush in the first months of his 2nd term.
During her first visit, Bar helps you understand how to improve your productivity by getting organized.
Continuing his coverage of the principle groups 10 best companies, Jim along with Jerry interview Marilyn and Thomas how their company held their health care cost increases under 4% a year when the rest of the country was experiencing double digit increases annually.
Completing this year’s series on technology resolutions for small business, Jim talks about how to leverage your entrepreneurial dream with technology first and hiring new employees second. He points out that there are great opportunities for operating effectively through technology in the 21st century but there has to be a dance between leveraging high tech and making sure that your customer also gets some of your outstanding high touch.
Thursday - February 24, 2005
Jeff and Jim discuss how small business owners find what Jeff calls entrepreneurial endurance, which is the ability to persevere as a small business owner in the face of long odds.
Bill and Jim talk about some of the macroeconomic issues that the U.S. marketplace is facing, including the declining dollar and the implications for increased inflation and increased interest rates.
Joan and Jim discuss the prospects for the housing industry in the United States, including the influences of the generational waves. Both agree that there isn’t a national housing bubble, but there may be regional housing bubbles. They go on to discuss ways that companies are helping their employees to get more involved in their own health care management. Also discussed is the disparity between how much of the U.S. budget is spent on the elderly (over 65) and how much is spent on children (under 17).
Friday - February 25, 2005
Kristin is the team building expert in Jim’s Brain Trust and she joins Jim to discuss what she calls a “litmus test for team building”. She also provides a link to where you can get a copy of this test to see if your team is functioning successfully.
Bob joins Jim again to discuss trip to Indonesia and discuss what he found and what he did to help those people. They wrap of their visit about drugs that contribute to having a healthy heart.
During her visit, Adrian discusses the disabled and disadvantaged demographics in the American population, in what she says are 52 million Americans. She and Jim discuss the value of the disadvantaged and how to make them your most loyal customers.
Allen Vasan joins Jim first to talk about how Xerox is working to help women business owners follow their dreams. Later Aaron Bernstein joins Allen and Jim to share the same information from Microsoft’s perspective. Both companies are supporters of Office Depot’s Success Strategies for Businesswomen’s Conference from which Jim will be broadcasting from the following week.
Monday - February 28, 2005
Lynn joins Jim to talk about what her career as a professional golfer has taught her. They also discuss the Office Depot's Success Strategies for Businesswomen's Conference.
Marsha introduces Jim to Beth, the businesswoman of the year. They talk about giving back to the community, and how women entrepreneurs give back more than men entrepreneurs. Beth also shares what her business does to help businesses with advertising. Marsha then explains what the Women Presidents Organization is.
Earline joins Jim during Office Depot's Success Strategies for Businesswomen's Conference to talk about the changes in public policy issues concerning women. Earline also explains how she got into the advertising business.
Nely joins Jim to explain how women have to fight in the business world and the break they get during Office Depot's Success Strategies for Businesswomen's Conference. Nely also talks about what inspired her to create The Swan.
Fabienne joins Jim to share how she can help small business owners acheive success through attracting clients.