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Category: Business Planning

Jeff Zbar
Ask the magic outsourcing question. Jeff Zbar joins Jim Blasingame to encourage small business CEOs to consider doing more outsourcing of non-core-competency tasks by asking the team, "Must this be done in house?".
Jeff Zbar
How good are you at being the CEO of your business? Jeff Zbar joins Jim Blasingame to talk about New Year planning, especially for small business owners to focus more on the duties of the chief executive officer.
Rick Maurer
Can you read the "writing on the wall?" Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to discuss three sources for interpreting the writing on the wall that is telling you how your small business must change.
Rick Maurer
Don’t be distracted by marketplace changes – constantly adapt and grow. Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why it’s okay to fall in love with what you do, but not how you do it if you’re going to thrive in today’s marketplace.
Rick Maurer
In the 1970s, a Harley executive said, “The writing was on the wall, but we thought it was a forgery.” Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how Harley Davidson came to terms with the need to change and turned their business around.
David Heenan
What will tell you it's time to go? David Heenan joins Jim Blasingame to encourage small business CEOs to have a life outside of the business, pay attention to the signs that tell you when it's time to go, because one way or the other, you will leave.
David Heenan
One way or the other, you're going to leave your business. David Heenan joins Jim Blasingame to reveal examples of how to leave your business successfully, as well as some that were not so successful.
David Heenan
Are you prepared to make an exit strategy from your business? David Heenan joins Jim Blasingame to explain why every business owner should be making plans for a graceful and successful exit strategy from his or her business.
Ed Abel
Are you executing your business plan? Ed Abel joins Jim Blasingame to encourage quarterly reviews of your plan for the New Year, plus begin by working on the low hanging fruit to make progress and get early success stories.
Ed Abel
What does your New Year planning look like? Ed Abel joins Jim Blasingame to recommend that your New Year planning should be to ask yourself and your team questions that will help you focus on at least three main areas to work on.

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