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Category: Entrepreneurship

Tiana Laurence
Tiana Laurence joins Jim Blasingame to reveal a project she’s working on that is providing small firms who need investor capital to gain access to it without going through the Wall Street initial offering expense and difficulty.
Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame reminds you that today, right now, is a time when you’ll look back and think of this as the good old days. Don’t miss this while you’re here.
Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame reveals how he came to become a business owner and what he’s learned after 30 years of living by his wits, including two reinventions.
Theresa Carroll
Theresa Carroll joins Jim Blasingame to reveal what she’s learned about being a business owner as she’s run her hotel and 4 star restaurant for over 20 years.
Theresa Carroll
Theresa Carroll joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why she decided to operate a world-class restaurant in a boutique hotel, and what she’s learned from the process.
Geri Stengel
Geri Stengel joins Jim Blasingame to report on some of the things women business owners should focus on in growing their businesses, including being and seeking a mentor, plus working with peers.
Geri Stengel
Geri Stengel joins Jim Blasingame to report on how women business owners who have achieved over $1million in sales is the fastest growing business sector.
David Epstein
David Epstein joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how teams that are diverse with different perspectives and backgrounds become generalist teams that will call on the wisdom of crowds.
David Epstein
David Epstein joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why being the best small business CEO is more likely the more you’re a generalist, rather than being stuck behind a more vertical background.
David Epstein
David Epstein joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how in the digital age, in an era when everything is moving faster than ever, being good at more than one thing will likely make you more competitive.

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