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Category: Innovation, Creativity

Bob Dilenschneider
Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the concept of genius clusters, like the one comprising of America’s Founders, and more recent ones, and that they might not always be beneficial.
Jack Uldrich
Jack Uldrich joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how Tesla’s claim that their cars are safer will lead them to self-insure them in the purchase package, thus disrupting the car insurance industry.
Gary Lowery
Gary Lowery joins Jim Blasingame to report on how the manufacturing sector has created changes in the machine tool industry for molds, extrusions and injection molding.
Judith Glaser
Judith Glaser joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how we can let our brain get us hooked on being right to the level that we fail to foster successful conversational conditions with others.
Joel Barker
Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to report on a method of removing large quantities of CO2 from the air and redeploying it in productive, commercial ways.
Joel Barker
Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to report on small nuclear power units that can be deployed safely in such a way as to provide independent power to a municipality.
Joel Barker
Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to report on a new method of printing a cushioning material to replace the organic tissue that’s lost in the knee, plus how gene editing capability could take a wrong turn.
Bryan Mattimore
Bryan Mattimore joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the ways to add value to customers with creative selling that might include some unlikely partners and approaches.
Bryan Mattimore
Bryan Mattimore joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that using creative processes, like ideation and creativity will go a long way t getting a sales team ready for the expectations of the 21st-century customer.
Bryan Mattimore
Bryan Mattimore joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that three questions you have to ask if you want to sell creatively are: who’s selling, how are they doing it, and to whom are they selling

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