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Category: Innovation, Creativity

Jeff Goins
Jeff Goins joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why a starving artist, or entrepreneur, is just someone who aren’t offering a product customers will pay for, which is not the customer’s fault.
Steve Martin
Steve Martin joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how innovation can be incorporated into every aspect of your business.
Steve Martin
Steve Martin joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to create a culture of innovation that makes sure employees are engaged properly, whether their ideas are used or not.
Steve Martin
Steve Martin joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that some companies say they want an innovative organization, but that’s not what they really mean.
Anita Rosen
Anita Rosen joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the different manifestations of AI and how these will improve and disrupt our lives and our world.
Anita Rosen
Anita Rosen joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the disruption of artificial intelligence and how it will impact productivity and the future of the workplace.
Judith Glaser
Judith Glaser joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how we can let our brain get us hooked on being right to the level that we fail to foster successful conversational conditions with others.
Catherine Kaputa
Catherine Kaputa joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that one way to increase personal productivity is to know yourself and what makes organizational sense for you.
Catherine Kaputa
Catherine Kaputa joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how she became more productive by learning how to be more discerning with her time when asked to contribute to outside activities, and saying “No, not right now.”
Catherine Kaputa
Catherine Kaputa joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the productivity potential that can be gained when you schedule and take some time off for yourself and family.

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