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Category: Innovation, Creativity

Greg Kozera
Greg Kozera joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the reasons that the benefits of fracking has, and should continue, to contribute to the geopolitical and economic strength of the U.S.
Greg Kozera
Greg Kozera joins Jim Blasingame to explain what the fracking process does, what it produces, and whether it’s damaging to the environment and planet.
Doug Campbell
Doug Campbell joins Jim Blasingame to discuss some of the reasons why reinvention is more a rule today than an exception, and what it takes to do it successfully.
Joel Barker
Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to report on new processes that can make discarded used tires into something useful, especially previously unclaimed components.
Joel Barker
Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to report on new research that focuses on how to use your breath to diagnose evidence of up to 17 different diseases, including seven kinds of cancer, plus new hope for alzheimer’s patients.
Greg Kozera
Greg Kozera joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the reasons that the benefits of fracking has, and should continue, to contribute to the geopolitical and economic strength of the U.S.
Greg Kozera
Greg Kozera joins Jim Blasingame to explain what the fracking process does, what it produces, and whether it’s damaging to the environment and planet.
Jack Uldrich
Jack Uldrich joins Jim Blasingame to report on new research that looks promising for early Alzheimer’s detection, plus a proposal for a universal guaranteed income to lessen the harm of job-disrupting technology.
Jack Uldrich
Jack Uldrich joins Jim Blasingame to reveal what Blockchains – aka distributed ledgerd – are designed to do, and how it will increasingly be part of your financial and online life.
Jack Uldrich
Jack Uldrich joins Jim Blasingame to report on a bacteria that loves to eat plastic, and which can be used to decompose the growing problem of plastic waste in the ocean.

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