Category: Leadership, Ethics, Trust
Rick Lepsinger joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how trust as a marketplace factor has not only endured the test of time, but is more important in the digital age than ever before.
Pete Sepp joins Jim Blasingame to report on the chaos among Republicans in the House as they struggle to coalesce around a new Speaker.
Jim Blasingame reveals the malady of professional scurvy, and identifies four kinds of professional Vitamin C that can help you cure and avoid this marketplace disease.
Judith Glaser and Joan Pryde join Jim Blasingame to share their thoughts on getting screened, dealing with a breast cancer diagnosis, how men can help and why women should be patient with them as they try.
Judith Glaser and Joan Pryde join Jim Blasingame to talk about their sustained experience with breast cancer, one without any re-occurrence and one with a recent second diagnosis and subsequent treatment decision.
Judith Glaser and Joan Pryde join Jim Blasingame to recognize breast cancer awareness month by telling their stories about how their condition was found and how they handled their treatment and survival.
Michael Stallard joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the power of humility in an organization that also seeks excellence, and why the combination improves your odds at being successful.
Wayne Crews joins Jim Blasingame to report on his work tracking what he calls regulatory dark matter that imposes itself on businesses and citizens without going through the legislative process.
Wayne Crews joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how the political Left are trying to stop dissenting voices and squash ideas that are counter to their ideology by taking the market out of the marketplace of ideas.
Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how those at the top should see their company at the level where employees serve in order to get the best picture.
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