Category: Leadership, Ethics, Trust
Bill Treasurer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why humble leadership is not only possible, but actually the best kind, because if comes from the perspective of having recovered from making mistakes.
Dave Anderson joins Jim Blasingame to ask if you know how to tell if your organization is executive effectively, or if you’re just working.
Jim Blasingame reveals some of the reasons why Congress’s new Twitter hashtag should be #WITHOUTANYSENSEOFSHAME.
Ami Kassar joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the impediments to making the business loan brokerage industry more transparent, and what it will take to make that happen.
Ami Kassar joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how his company is putting its money where its mouth is by making his customer activity transparent to the industry in a challenge to create more transparency.
Don Williams joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how his company, Get ON 2 IT, got started whiche is designed to educate people on lifestyle choices that will help elevate their quality of life in very eye-opening yet sustainable ways.
Wayne Allyn Root joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the reason why relentlessness is best found in a person who also has quality values, as opposed to a desire for power at all costs.
Wayne Allyn Root joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how people are attracted to politicians who are relentless, sometimes even when their values are not aligned.
Wayne Allyn Root joins Jim Blasingame to tell the story of how he was impacted by his mother’s relentless spirit and why that trait is so compelling and attractive to others seeking a leader.
Rick Lepsinger joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that there are four foundational elements that produce trust in a relationship, including credibility, reliability, intimacy and self-orientation.
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