Category: Management Fundamentals
Jim Canterucci joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how adding patience into the job as CEO of your small business will contribute significant success components, including the time for ideas to germinate.
Jim Canterucci joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the power of focus as a key trait of the multi-tasking small business CEO, but not laser focus, rather spotlight focus.
JoAnna Brandi joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the things you can do to provide an environment where employees can be happy at work.
JoAnna Brandi joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the difference between a happy culture and an unhappy one and how to accomplish the former.
Gary Harpst joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to tell if lack of momentum is because of your strategy or continuous improvement, and how to tell.
Gary Harpst joins Jim Blasingame to explain the difference between executing strategy, which comes from top down, and continuous improvement which is identified from front line employees.
Debra Fine joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the power of management by walking around and demonstrating to your people that you see them as people, not just employees.
Debra Fine joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the human factor that all organizations have and why successful managers recognize and focus on this.
Jay Myers joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the steps to take when picking the right employees who can be successful working in a remote office.
Jay Myers joins Jim Blasingame to report on how his company has recently expanded to a remote office, and what they learned from past such successes and failures about this kind of expansion.
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