Category: Online Communities - Social Media
Dario Ambrosini joins Jim Blasingame to recommend several steps to take the attract the on-demand customer, including having reviews and making the experience very handy.
Stijn Hendrikse joins Jim Blasingame to offer suggestions on how to improve your marketing in the New Year, including focusing more on permission-based marketing.
Debra Fine joins Jim Blasingame to offer advice on how to talk with people at parties and other gatherings, including to keep the phone in your pocket.
Kathy Perry joins Jim Blasingame to answer Jim’s question of do small business owners really have time for more conversations about things that don’t matter to us, just because LinkedIn wants to sell more ads?
Kathy Perry joins Jim Blasingame to admit that social media can be frustrating for small businesses, because it’s not easy to see a return, and to offer ideas on how to minimize that frustration.
Kathy Perry joins Jim Blasingame to encourage you to commit to funding your social media strategy, with money for doing the work and ads.
Justin Croxton joins Jim Blasingame to remind you that while you’re maximizing your SEO for Google, don’t forget the other 800-pound gorilla, Amazon .
Cliff Ennico joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the deductions that are currently available, but may be expiring, that you could still take advantage of this year, including certain IRA contributions and educational deductions.
Lennox Cornwall joins Jim Blasingame to reveal three more steps to help you recover from your mistakes, including resolving to not repeat what you did.
Rob Levin joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that every small business can produce and distribute content – written, audio or video – that is focused on what customers want to learn, as long as it’s authentic.
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