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Category: Online Technologies, e-Business, Cybersecurity

Jeff Zbar
What are the advantages of cloud data backup? Jeff Zbar joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the options and drawbacks of free online data storage and backup, including the new cloud back-up by Google, Microsoft and others.
John Audette
Use technology to stay out of the price war. John Audette joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that one way to fight low price competitors is to meet customer expectations when they want to find your business online.
John Audette
Can small business compete in a price-conscious environment? John Audette joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how small businesses can compete against the big boxes without joining the price war.
Ed Abel
Nothing can replace the power of face-to-face with sales prospects. Ed Abel joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the power of face-to-face and how to incorporate technology in support of it with prospects and customers.
Jorian Clarke
Virtual world technology is here and growing. Jori Clarke joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how virtual world technology is changing the way customers find you and how our children will live and do business in the future.
Jon Wuebben
Is your Main Street business optimized for local search? Jon Wuebben joins Jim Blasingame to reveal what you have to do to make sure customers find your small business when they do a local search for what you sell.
Jon Wuebben
What kind of content do search engines like? Jon Wuebben joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how to create content that create the best ranking by search engines, plus how often to post content.
Jon Wuebben
What is the relationship between search engine optimization and content creation? Jon Wuebben joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to grow your business by maximizing the relationship between content and SEO (search engine optimization).
Chuck Martin
If you're a small business owner, you must own a smartphone. Chuck Martin joins Jim Blasingame to explain why every small business owner must own a smartphone in order to understand the expectations of customers and prospects.
Chuck Martin
Smartphone adoption is growing in the U.S. Chuck Martin joins Jim Blasingame to report on the growing adoption of smartphones in the U.S. and what that means for small businesses.

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