Category: Work-Life, Balance
Jim Blasingame offers evidence into the indictment of scrooges that most people don’t know, and why many scrooges are quite lovable.
Kita Szpak joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to seek happiness by simplifying your life, which first requires becoming self-aware about the decisions we make.
Kita Szpak joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the agitation impact on happiness caused by how and where we consume information, and to recommend a little or significant disengagement from social media.
Ivan Misner joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the “Infinite Giving” power of being able to contribute something to those with less and do it in such a way that only you know you did it.
Ivan Misner joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the first principle of Infinite Giving, which is to find people with needs inside of your circle, plus how to think about giving within your means by using the “cup and saucer” logic.
Ivan Misner joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the concept of infinite giving as a powerful personal therapy, and how it is part of the Law of Reciprocity.
Steven Webb joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the politically incorrect reasons for having armed personnel, not just resource police officers, on the campus with your school children.
Steven Webb joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the many reasons why our addiction to social media is producing dangerous trends in society from which we may not recover.
George Levy joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that the reason we aren’t as aware of blockchain proliferation is because what we can see is applications powered by blockchain, the same way we use a blender without thinking of the electricity that powered it.
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