Monday - June 01, 2009
President Obama has said he will choose judges who have "empathy" as they rule from the bench. Jim Blasingame knows first-hand what judicial empathy looks like and he talks about his personal experience as a business owner who proved his case in a lawsuit, but was denied justice because the judge made a final ruling - admittedly - based on empathy, rather than evidence, testimony, facts and the law.
Could you use some short-term working capital to overcome slow account receivables? Brian Moran joins Jim Blasingame to talk about five short-term financing solutions for small business owners, including a new SBA program, factoring, peer-to-peer and others.
Tuesday - June 02, 2009
How can small stores and independent retailers thrive in today’s fierce, competitive environment? George Whalin introduces to Jim Blasingame twenty-five stores that are prospering in the most competitive retail climate in history and how they are doing it.
What's the greatest impediment to growth for most companies? Steven Little tells Jim Blasingame that the greatest growth impediment is the inability of businesses to get out of their own way because of the rigid systems and rules they put in place.
Wednesday - June 03, 2009
What does the future hold for the Big Three automakers, GM, Chrysler and Ford? Bill Glynn joins Jim Blasingame to talk about what he thinks this challenged industry and these troubled companies should do to become viable.
How do angel investors evaluate potential capital recipients? Tim Berry reveals his experience as a member of an Angel Investment consortium with Jim Blasingame.
Thursday - June 04, 2009
When is it a better time to buy an existing business than to start one from scratch? Russell Brown and Jim Blasingame talk about how to decide the best course and how to accomplish the decision you make.
It's great when someone becomes a new customer, but it's better when they come back and buy something from you again. Jim Champy talks with Jim Blasingame about how to inspire customer loyalty.
What is it going to take for the economy to turn around? Jim Ostroff and Jim Blasingame talk about this issue, including housing, autos, and other indicators. They also talk about corporate bankruptcies and new energy storage technology, among other topics.
Friday - June 05, 2009
How are you at leading your small business through the inevitable changes? Mark Richardson provides with tips and best practices with Jim Blasingame.
What is the key to building a team that can lead as well as execute? Pierce and Jane Howard talk with Jim Blasingame about how personality influences leadership and service tasks, and why every business should pay attention to personality when hiring and assigning.
In this increasingly diverse and multi-faceted marketplace, tolerance, sincerity and honesty are key to successful communication, according to Pamela Perkins, as she shares her ideas on communication with Jim Blasingame.
What are women business owners saying about the current state of the economy? Maria Coyne joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the results of the Key4Women Confidence Survey, including their attitude about sales, pricing, credit and the future prospects.
Monday - June 08, 2009
How will the Obama administration's foray into the marketplace ultimately impact small businesses? Ray Keating joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the car czar, the bank czar, the energy czar and the new pay czar. How long will it be before, like during the last czarist regime, there is a revolution? Non-violent, of course.
Having a website that doesn't generate new customers is like having a sales person that doesn't sell.Does your website serve the purposes of the business? Is it a profit center or an expense? Robert Skrob joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the way any business owner can generate more sales from their website.
Do introvert salespeople use social media as a handy tool or a crutch that allows them to avoid face-to-face contact? Pat Weber and Jim Blasingame discuss how social media should be used by all parties, but also how it can actually be a productive lever for introverts. They also talk about the difference between introverted and unsociable.
Following a discussion of how the economy is doing in general and for small businesses, Art Kleiner talks with Jim Blasingame about why he thinks the best years of the auto industry could still to come, including a global perspective.
Tuesday - June 09, 2009
What are businesses doing to deal with the potential for stalled growth? Steve McKee joins Jim Blasingame to report on the real-world stories he's seen about how businesses are operating for survival while simultaneously planning for success.
How are small businesses managing the winding down of the recession in anticipation of the coming recovery? Sam Norwood and Jim Blasingame discuss the results of this month's Tatum Survey, including overall optimism, order backlogs, employment, and other indicators. They also talk about the impact of government intervention during this period.
Are we still in a bear market? How does a small business owner make the decision to invest outside of the business? Mark Stys joins Jim Blasingame to explain the "Modern Portfolio Theory," and other investment strategies.
How do you know when to go from survival to testing the leading edge? Peter Meyer talks with Jim Blasingame about growing your business by helping customers grow their revenue. Peter offers tips and best practices.
Wednesday - June 10, 2009
If you're a small business owner, time is not on your side. There are three clocks in small business that are working independently to impact your level of success. Jim Blasingame talks about how these three clocks work and what you can do to influence their impact.
Is the art of making a professional presentation dying in the marketplace? How are you and your team at presenting proposals to prospects and customers. Don Cooper discuss the importance of creating and delivering great sales presentations with Jim Blasingame, and how that can increase sales and your success level.
Everything you sell is a commodity. Everything! The only way to differentiate your business from the competition is through the experience you give your customers. Linda Ireland joins Jim Blasingame to explain how customer experience can tip everything in your business toward better financial performance.
Are you capable of being a servant leader? Michael Stallard joins Jim Blasingame to tips and best practices on the role of leadership in the success of any organization, including helping your employees to become leaders themselves.
Thursday - June 11, 2009
How will the global auto industry rebound and evolve over the next five to 10 years? Joan Pryde and Jim Blasingame talk about wheat this industry will look like in the next generation. They also some of the residual challenges of the economy, the SBA's plans to help small businesses, healthcare reform and other current issues.
How will small businesses be affected by the government's model of health care reform? Grace-Marie Turner reveals to Jim Blasingame how the government plan will ultimately harm small businesses and the entire U.S. health care industry.
Friday - June 12, 2009
Are there signs of life in the economy? And if so, what are you doing to take advantage of it? Andrew Sherman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss what he sees in the US and global economy, and they discuss how to make sure you catch the wave instead of wiping out.
How is this recession and following recovery impacting start-ups and home-based businesses? Is this a good time for home-based businesses? Bill Topaz joins Jim Blasingame to talk about this issue, including capitalizing a start-up.
Tackle your business challenges and opportunities by employing the SWOT method. Gene Siciliano talks with Jim Blasingame about this technique and how it can be the key to survival and to helping you take advantage of the economic recovery.
Don't just solve problems, think about what you want and approach the problem with that goal in mind. Robert Fritz talks with Jim Blasingame about how to change your way of thinking with regard to solving problems, so you can turn that energy into something more productive.
Monday - June 15, 2009
Why are non-profit organizations negatively impacted by an economic downturn? John Bozard joins Jim Blasingame to answer this question and to talk about the important work that Arnold Palmer Hospitals.
How does a small business find I/T answers and a support community with one stop? Scott Abel joins Jim Blasingame to talk about information/technology management tools and communities for small- and medium-sized businesses.
Innovation doesn't have to mean technology, especially during a recession? Debbe Kennedy reveals 3 big ideas for small business with Jim Blasingame, for innovating in hard times.
Tuesday - June 16, 2009
What do you know about exporting? Would you like to get educated about exporting - for free? Doug Barry talks with Jim Blasingame about international trade opportunities, including how to get started, with emphasis on the new trade agreement with Peru.
How does social media integrate into a small business marketing program? Ilise Benun joins Jim Blasingame as a skeptic of the value of the social media craze, and they discuss how to make this medium work for you.
What are the best ideas for finishing a difficult year with a flourish in sales? Skip Miller joins Jim Blasingame to reveal key sales strategies that you must use to do a better job of qualifying prospects and therefore, close more sales.
What rules of behavior should be established for the family when there is a home-based business under the same roof? Jeff Zbar and Jim Blasingame discuss some of the rules of engagement in a home-based business environment. They also talk about social media and other micropreneuring topics.
Wednesday - June 17, 2009
Small businesses are holding steady, reporting neither a significant move up or down for most indicators. Dr. Bill Dunkelberg and Jim Blasingame discuss the most recent survey of how small businesses feel about economic recovery.
Stop the presses: New research reveals that for the first time, employees place compensation ahead of all other employment elements.
Chuck Martin joins Jim Blasingame to discuss this ground-breaking finding, where employees value compensation more than being appreciated by management, and why this is good news for small businesses.
Are you using Twitter? Do you understand what it is and how it works? Sarah Milstein joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the history and uses of this social media platform and give business users Twitter tips and best practices.
Reducing the number of employees eligible for the Family Medical Leave Act will hurt small businesses, according to Terry Neese, who joins Jim Blasingame to explain the details of proposed legislation and why it will be harmful to small business.
Thursday - June 18, 2009
What are the classic traits of a person who communicates effectively and successfully, even when the economy is down? Ruth Sherman joins Jim Blasingame to talk about characteristics that Ruth says are charismatic, and which she says we can learn.
What role will branding play in the coming recovery and the next era for the marketplace? Tom Asacker and Jim Blasingame discuss the evolution of branding and 21st century marketing, and the fact that the coming changes will be give small businesses a distinct advantage.
What direction are the key economic indicators going in? Joan Pryde joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the key financial and economic indicators, including employment, interest rates, etc. The also discuss looming protectionism, budget deficits and other issues.
Friday - June 19, 2009
What are the keys to successfully leveraging the Internet as a valuable part of your overall small business plan? David Brown has been there and done that, and he reveals the secrets with Jim Blasingame, including his thoughts on SEO and the future of social media.
What is the primary reason small businesses fail? Ed Abel and Jim Blasingame reveal the single greatest reason small businesses fail, plus what to do to make sure you don't become stricken with this preventable affliction.
With the government becoming more and more entwined in an increasing number of industries, how is that going to work out? John Steele Gordon joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why the U.S. government can't run a business and shouldn't be doing it.
Change is going to happen, so the question is, will someone in your small business lead change? Ken Blanchard talks with Jim Blasingame about this important topic.
Monday - June 22, 2009
What's more important: talent or experience? Rick Maurer talks with Jim Blasingame about how to place value on the right employee characteristics, including talent, experience, education and personality.
How much of a toll is fear taking on employees and why could that ultimately benefit small businesses? Jim Blasingame reveals his take on recent employee research that he thinks could provide a competitive advantage for small businesses.
How much will social media impact the way we sell in the future? Will selling fundamentals still matter? Chad and Jeff Koser join Jim Blasingame to talk about how selling has - and will continue - to evolute with the advent and impact of social media.
What are small business owners reporting about their optimism for the rest of 2009? Gail Goodman reports on a recent Constant Contact survey with Jim Blasingame about how small businesses feel about 2009 growth opportunities. Plus, they also discussed the survye results on social media.
Tuesday - June 23, 2009
How does a small business incorporate technology into their customer generating strategy? Neal Creighton joins Jim Blasingame to explain how online customer communities, and the technology used to serve these, will be the way you will reach and connect with customers now and in the future.
When things are slow, that's the best time to train employees, according to Mark Mayberry, who joins Jim Blasingame to talk about while it may seem counter-intuitive, from an expense standpoing, but the issue is really time. When things are slow that's the only time small businesses have the time to allow employees to spend on training.
What does it take to create and serve online customer communities? Adam Boyden and Jim Blasingame identify the community creation elements, including social media tools that help add value and critical mass to any small business online community building strategy.
What does anger have to do with courage and why should you care? Bill Treasurer joins Jim Blasingame to explain that a little anger can sometimes cause you to demonstrate courage and motivate you to take the next step.
Wednesday - June 24, 2009
First there was eBay, now there is an online auction marketplace for services. George Coll talks with Jim Blasingame about a new online services auction where consumers and businesses can link with and negotiate with companies and craftsmen who offer various services from household to IT projects.
Will the current anti-trust division of the U.S. Justice Department create problems for businesses? George Priest talks with Jim Blasingame about the problems that could manifest as a result of a desire to make U.S. anti-trust look like that of Europe. They also talk about how this could hurt small business and entrepreneurship.
How do you integrate a social media plan into your overall marketing strategy? Lois Geller joins Jim Blasingame with tips and best practices on becoming more savvy and effective with social media as an integrated part of your marketing strategy.
How will Fed policies - past and present - impact how the economy recovers and sustains itself? Mike Cox and Jim Blasingame talk about steps taken by the Fed as it attempts to control price levels to avoid inflation, while simultaneously promoting economic growth. They discuss how all of this impacts small businesses.
Thursday - June 25, 2009
Are you including video in your marketing - and social media - strategy? Jeff Zbar talks with Jim Blasingame about some technology that will simplify the process of creating and delivering high definition video in your marketing strategy.
What do new food regulations, the Fed inflation dilemma, and email marketing have in common? These are just three of the issues Joan Pryde and Jim Blasingame discuss as reported in this week's Kiplinger Letter.
There is a debate on health care reform being conducted that will result in changes that could harm small businesses. Jim Blasingame reveals two of the key issues of the debate and offers his ideas about them, from a small business perspective.
Friday - June 26, 2009
Is your business successful but your always short on cash? Factoring might be the answer. Tracy Eden joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the potential benefits of factoring and accounts receivable financing in the current credit environment.
Do we need more regulations or just better enforcement. Nicole Gelinas joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the Feds remaking financial regulations and they discuss some of the factors in past financial failures and how to prevent future ones.
How many excuses can you make to not get enough sales this summer?Come September, what will be on your list of accomplishments? Janet Christy and Jim Blasingame talk about how to make the most of your summer, including tips and best practices on summer selling.
What do you have to do to be a complete failure as a networker? Ivan Misner and Jim Blasingame discuss the top 10 sure-fire ways to be a failure when you're attending networking events.
Monday - June 29, 2009
How do paradoxes impact the performance of our small businesses, especially in a recession? Kelle Olwyler talks with Jim Blasingame about how to identify and value paradoxes, and actually take advantage of them.
Are proposed financial and banking regulations going too far and will they hurt the ability of small businesses to work with banks? Richard DeKaser discusses this issue with Jim Blasingame, plus they talk about other proposed regulations, including the cap and trade carbon regulations.
How does a small business get started adopting social media in its marketing strategy? Scott Fox joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the concept of developing and serving communities as the underlying reason for social media activity.
In The Age of the Customer™, the best way to get the most out of the public social media sites, according to Jim Blasingame, is participate on them while thinking of how to build your own online customer communities.
Tuesday - June 30, 2009
Is there such a thing as an extinction gene in animals, including humans? Dr. Robert Gross joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the relationship between humans and other life forms on planet Earth, including the possibility of an extinction gene. In this interview, Jim thinks he's identified that gene.
Do you have a book inside of you, but you don't know what to do with it? Jeff Dobkin and Jim Blasingame discuss their experiences as publishers of their own books, including new technologies that have changed the publishing industry.
What does trust have to do with health care reform? Dr. Arky Ciancutti and Jim Blasingame, talk about the need for health care reform and the importance of having a debate on this issue with trust as part of the equation.
What is the greatest success tip for a small business? What tip or tool could be the difference between success and failure? Charles Nagel joins Jim Blasingame to identify the value in aggregating various financial indicators and reports so that they can be tracked and managed.