If change is necessary, could your team pull it off? Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to discover whether your organization is too complacent to successfully implement change.
As managers are we in the way of change? Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to propose questions to ask ourselves about how much we oppose change and to discover how much we could grow if we were less resistant to change.
What do you do when the need for change is evident? Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the dangers of believing the hand writing on the wall about your need to make changes is a forgery.
Why should you look back on projects that failed? Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to explain that you can learn from failures in your business, plus why adjusting or ending projects is difficult, even when they're failing.
In the 1970s, a Harley executive said, “The writing was on the wall, but we thought it was a forgery.” Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how Harley Davidson came to terms with the need to change and turned their business around.
Don’t be distracted by marketplace changes – constantly adapt and grow. Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why it’s okay to fall in love with what you do, but not how you do it if you’re going to thrive in today’s marketplace.
Can you read the "writing on the wall?" Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to discuss three sources for interpreting the writing on the wall that is telling you how your small business must change.
Can you break leading change into two disciplines? Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how to think about leading change from the perspective of two disciplines: academic and execution.
Get outside of your four walls and identify the elements of change impacting your business. Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to encourage you to educate yourself on industry and economic influences that will instruct you on how to lead change.
Let employees and customers contribute to executing change. Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to bring employees and customers into your execution strategy to accomplish change.