Influence customers by putting yourself in their shoes. Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to influence customers by focusing on their concerns and opportunities, not your products.
In the 1970s, a Harley executive said, “The writing was on the wall, but we thought it was a forgery.” Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how Harley Davidson came to terms with the need to change and turned their business around.
Don’t be distracted by marketplace changes – constantly adapt and grow. Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why it’s okay to fall in love with what you do, but not how you do it if you’re going to thrive in today’s marketplace.
Can you read the "writing on the wall?" Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to discuss three sources for interpreting the writing on the wall that is telling you how your small business must change.
How well does your business deal with change? Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to talk about some of the thing to think about in order to lead inevitable change, rather than just manage it.
Are you a leader or a driver? Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to help you lead change in your organization by revealing how to be an influencer instead of a boss.
Take a look at what knee-jerk management looks like. Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to explain why a knee-jerk reaction to employee suggestions is the opposite of influential change leadership.
What is the first step in influencing others? Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the first step in influencing people: step back and observe to see the bigger picture.
What is the next step in being influential? Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to explain the next step in being influential: After you have observed without an agenda, find context and develop a strategy.
"Cause and effect has many parents." Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the role that cause-and-effect plays in the application of leadership.