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Category: Innovation, Creativity

Joel Barker
Here's more news about 3D printers for construction applications. Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to report on innovations in 3D printing that create artistic architectural walls for construction purposes.
Bruce Poon Tip
Bruce Poon Tip joins Jim Blasingame to explain how his management style is different from everyone else, but which has resulted in outrageous global success.
Bruce Poon Tip
This entrepreneur took reinvention to the next level. Bruce Poon Tip joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how he took a niche idea and reinvented the travel industry, and created double-digit growth for two decades.
William T. Abare, Jr.
What big schools can learn about teaching entrepreneurship from a little school. Dr. William Abare joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how little Flagler College is teaching entrepreneurship and getting students ready for the real marketplace.
Chip Bell
Chip Bell joins Jim Blasingame to discuss what business owners can do to elevate the customer experience, plus why you should identify your customer's wants and need to personalize their experience.
Chip Bell
Chip Bell joins Jim Blasingame to explain that small businesses have the unique ability to make each experience special for their customers and that employees should be empowered to offer excellent customer service.
Joel Barker
What if plants could get nitrogen from the air, instead of the soil? Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to report on progress with seed modification so they absorb essential nitrogen from the air instead of from fertilizer put in the ground.
Joel Barker
Your next great innovation may be brought to you by graphene. Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to report innovations in the application of graphene, especially in it's ability to lower to cost of batteries without reducing performance.
Joel Barker
What if we could click our heads together to share information? Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to report on new technology that allows for brain-to-brain communication, with computer interfaces.
Alan Iny
Alan Iny joins Jim Blasingame to explain that lots of new ideas for doing business are great, but you must be able to prioritize those ideas into what will work for you, plus developing a culture where employees are allowed to take risks in a thoughtful way.

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