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Category: Management Fundamentals

John Dini
How do you keep your operation from becoming complacent when things are going well? John Dini joins Jim Blasingame to how one company had to fight complacency in his organization as the business prospered.
John Dini
Would you handle a catastrophe this way? John Dini joins Jim Blasingame to report on how one small business owner turned a catastrophe in his company into an opportunity to seek excellence.
John Dini
Two business owners see things differently. John Dini joins Jim Blasingame to report on how one small business owners responded to a catastrophe and how another responded to good fortune.
Curt Finch
Do you really know your costs? Curt Finch joins Jim Blasingame to explain how technology can help small businesses accurately track the time required to create and deliver projects to become more competitive and profitable.
Curt Finch
How one technology entrepreneur began his business. Curt Finch joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how he started his business, Journyx, with the goal of helping businesses track employee and project activity with more precision.
Soren Kaplan
Use due diligence to find surprises before they cost money. Soren Kaplan joins Jim Blasingame to encourage small business owners to look for surprises in product development phase so they don't appear in the product delivery phase.
Brad Huisken
Let your sales manager manage. Brad Huisken joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how to choose a sales manager, what they should do and why small business owners must allow them to actually manage.
Carmen Voilleque
Identifying and nurturing your "evolutionary." Carmen Voilleque joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how to identify who the "evolutionary" is in your small business and, if you don't have one, why you should get one.
Carmen Voilleque
Who is the "evolutionary" in your organization? Carmen Voilleque joins Jim Blasingame to reveal what an "evolutionary" is and why every small business needs at least one, even if what they say hurts a little.
Stephen Baum
Could you be the greatest impediment to your small business' future? Stephen Baum joins Jim Blasingame to talk about some of the things business owners do that get in the way of their own success.

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