Category: Marketing, Branding, Advertising
Bill Schley joins Jim Blasingame to reveal tips and best practices on how to establish positioning in your marketing plan.
Anita Rosen joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how any small business can execute new media marketing steps and strategies in a way that gets customers to respond.
Anita Rosen joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that you still have to manage the traditional marketing strategy in conjunction with increasingly integrating new media options.
Anita Rosen joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some thoughts on how to not be intimidated by all the new online shiny objects and stick with your plan, as long as it’s working.
Tom Anastasi joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the opportunity many small business owners may be passing up by not calling on corporate customers.
Bill Schley joins Jim Blasingame to explain what positioning can do for your business strategy, especially establishing market positioning.
Catherine Kaputa joins Jim Blasingame to discuss some of the things women need to do to stand up for their own personal and professional brand.
Jim Blasingame reveals that prospects are 60% more likely to believe what strangers say online about you than believe your marketing messages.
Kathy Perry joins Jim Blasingame to report on the way Facebook will allow you to opt-out of targeted advertising.
Kathy Perry joins Jim Blasingame to explain what it looks like when companies target you with stalking ads after you leave their websites, including how to find out which ones are doing it.
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