Category: Online Communities - Social Media
Jim Blasingame talks about why you should never trust the big social media platforms and migrate the contact information of your online communities to a parallel universe where you have more control.
Diana Furchtgott-Roth joins Jim Blasingame to refute those who think that increasing private sector union roles will restore the middle class.
Rich Galen and Bill Brandt join Jim Blasingame to discuss and debate how South Carolina for Republicans, and Nevada for Democrats, would deal with the remaining presidential candidates.
Anita Rosen joins Jim Blasingame to talk about some of the benefits and challenges that are part of the increase in artificial intelligence in our lives.
Barbara Friedberg joins Jim Blasingame to recommend that the small investor should consider investing in Index Funds, rather than trying to pick stocks.
Gerald Celente joins Jim Blasingame to explain why he thinks the U.S. is in the middle of the next – maybe last – great war, and it’s more that just because of terrorism.
Michael Saltsman joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the myths and fallacies of a minimum wage imposed by government fiat, including how it actually hurts low wage earners.
Robert Grede joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that the best point of execution for your marketing strategy is based on who your customers are and how they want to be contacted.
Robert Grede joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the six major marketing disciplines and how to balance the way you use them in a strategy.
Robert Grede joins Jim Blasingame to put social media in perspective with the other five major marketing disciplines.
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