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Category: Online Communities - Social Media

Anita Rosen
Anita Rosen joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the online strategy secret that we've known for 10,000 years: Ask customers what they want and how they want you to connect with them.
Anita Rosen
Anita Rosen joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how new talent can help you get your online strategy going, including when to hire or engage them.
Anita Rosen
Anita Rosen joins Jim Blasingame to remind you that new media strategies aren't really that different from your traditional strategy, and should be developed with the same customer-centered principles
Tim Berry
Social media use if free, but creating a strategy is not. Tim Berry joins Jim Blasingame to dispel the myth that social media is free, and to explain how to mount and fund a social media strategy.
Tim Berry
Just because you don't like social media, doesn't mean you can avoid using it. Tim Berry joins Jim Blasingame to dispel the myth that social media is an option for your business, just because some people use it for gossip.
Tim Berry
Business cannot ignore social media. Tim Berry joins Jim Blasingame to dispel the myth that a business have the option of ignoring the imperative of developing a social media strategy.
Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame reminds you of his self-appointed title as Social Media Heretic, as he again recommends that you execute a social media strategy using the large platforms, while encouraging you to never trust them with your communities.
Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame talks about the value of demonstrating your authentic voice to customers in your online strategy in articles and multi-media video and audio.
Lindsey Madison
Lindsey Madison joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the ranking of social media platforms in order of importance for a small business to use when pursuing a social media strategy.
Lindsey Madison
Lindsey Madison joins Jim Blasingame to discuss social media rookie mistakes to avoid, including failing to have a multi-platform strategy.

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