A little bit of worrying isn't bad if it causes you to take action, like caring for your customers, according to Jim Blasingame.
Articles by Jim Blasingame
Congressman Jack Kemp recently passed away. Jim shares some thoughts.
Small business owners should think of social media/social networking as actually "building on-line communities." Jim Blasingame shares why.
We should reduce our carbon footprint, but carbon restriction in the U.S. alone is bad for the marketplace. Jim Blasingame gives the details.
Cash must elevate from king to emperor in your small business. Jim Blasingame explains.
The marketplace has acquired more niches. This is good news for your small business. Jim Blasingame explains.
Increasing emphasis is being placed on intellectual property and the ability to leverage it. Jim Blasingame shares the details.
Does your banker speak small business, and does your small business speak banker? Jim Blasingame explains why you both should speak each other's language.
Customer barriers can cause more problems for your company. Jim Blasingame gives the details.
Jim Blasingame offers a little insight on the income tax on the top 2% of taxpayers that is being talked about.
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