To protect your valuable trade secrets, just follow these common sense rules from Barbara Weltman.
Labor Day is great for the laborers, but why not honor small business owners with a Small Business Day? Jim Blasingame offers some insight.
Are you communicating well with your team and employees? Here are some tips to get you where you need to be with your communication skills from Chester Elton.
The idea of making your employees owners by sharing equity can be tempting, but unless you’re planning an initial public offering (IPO), it’s almost always a mistake. There are many reasons that yo...
Small businesses should execute a teleworking plan with the objective that all parties will benefit from this new working arrangement.
How to create an organization built on trust.
Here are several different scenarios that you may face in the workplace. Chester Elton provides the possible opinion of your boss regarding the situation.
Previously, the biggest motivating factor for employees was being appreciated by management. Recently, money became a major motivator. Jim Blasingame offers some suggestions.
How do you know if your worker is an employee or not? Barbara Weltman explains and gives some tax and legal information.
How do you manage your people in your small business? Dale Dauten recommends being a bit of a tyrant. Here's why.