Category: Business Planning
Are you ready for the Age of the Customer? Jim Blasingame explains that the Age of the Seller is being replace by the Age of the Customer, and why your business has to make the conversion from the old age to the new one.
The Main Street economy is going in the right direction, but not very fast. John Dini joins Jim Blasingame to report on how he sees the economy in 2014, based on his experience with the small business CEOs he advises.
What did we learn last year that can inform our decisions this year? Jeff Zbar joins Jim Blasingame to talk about why real performance numbers from last year can help as we make decisions for the New Year, especially with customers.
One of the Big Four CEO Factors is Capital. Jim Blasingame talks about why the most important CEO strategic Factor is Capital, and why this strategy should come first.
The job of CEO of a small business is not optional. Jim Blasingame continues his series on why performing the duties of a CEO in your small business is not optional, and he offers the Big Four Factors on how to do them.
Setting goals and accomplishing them require two different skills. Marsha Egan joins Jim Blasingame to talk about some of the things you have to do to set and achieve your goals, including using the "SMART" approach.
How to get and stay focused on your business.Peter Meyer joins Jim Blasingame to encourage you to identify the big elements of your business and focus on them as if through the lens of a camera.
Have you charted a course for the New Year? Bob Prosen joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the practice of identifying your major objectives for the New Year, with regard to finances, customers and people.
Ellen Rohr joins Jim Blasingame to explain that a business plan is anything that helps you gain clarity about what you want out of your business, then puts aligned actions together to make that happen, plus getting your business plan ready for the New Year.
Paul Casey joins Jim Blasingame to reveal three fundamentals you must focus on as the New Year gets started, including taking care of existing customers.
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3rd Ingredient® (453)
Banking, Investors, Capital (1523)
Business Planning (1146)
Communicating (1504)
Coronavirus (891)
Customer Care (1373)
Economy: Nation, Global (3834)
Entrepreneurship (3718)
Financial Planning (855)
Franchising, Licensing (272)
Government, Politics (6236)
Home-Based, Teleworking (555)
Immigration (163)
Innovation, Creativity (1463)
Intellectual Property (252)
Journalists (701)
Leadership, Ethics, Trust (5235)
Legal (943)
Management Fundamentals (5514)
Miscellaneous (220)
Negotiating (270)
Networking (631)
Publishing (205)
Sales, Sales Management (2127)
Start Up (904)
The Age of the Customer® (884)
Training, e-Learning (387)
Work-Life, Balance (2165)