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Category: Management Fundamentals

Chip Bell
Chip Bell joins Jim Blasingame to reveal what Valentines Day can teach us about giving something extra to customers, as well as why you must listen when they speak to you.
Chip Bell
Chip Bell joins Jim Blasingame to reveal what he learned about romance and Valentines Day that helped him understand about how to treat customers everyday.
Bud Bilanich
Bud Bilanich joins Jim Blasingame to reveal two more secrets of organizational success, including the big one, execution, and finally, the power of great relationships, internally and externally.
Bud Bilanich
Bud Bilanich joins Jim Blasingame to reveal two secrets that lead to organizational success, including delivering a clear message to your team, and being committed to the outcome.
Bianca Jones
Bianca Jones joins Jim Blasingame reveals stories about how some businesses have been compromised by the failure of employees to conduct good online security practices.
John Bradberry
The Age of the Customer is a reality. John Bradberry joins Jim Blasingame to talk about why so many business people still think adopting Age of the Customer practices is optional.
Ruth King
What is the single stupidist thing small business owners do? Ruth King join Jim Blasingame to reveal that the single greatest mistake small business owners do is not having regular financial statements and using them to manage.
Jeff Zbar
What can Google's acquisitions teach us about strategy? Jeff Zbar joins Jim Blasingame to report on the acquisitions of Google in the past as a way to think about how to plan the future of our small businesses.
Tim Irwin
Don't let arrogance derail your leadership prospects? Tim Irwin joins Jim Blasingame to warn about the dangers of when some leaders find success and become arrogant.
Tim Irwin
Leadership should be found throughout an organization. Tim Irwin joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that leadership is personal, not positional, which means it can be expected from the occupants of all assignments.

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