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Category: Marketing, Branding, Advertising

Cliff Ennico
Cliff Ennico joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that one of the best strategies for small businesses to compete with the Big Box competitors is not to cut prices, but to focus on how to save customers time.
Cliff Ennico
Cliff Ennico joins Jim Blasingame to discuss some of the fallacies that prevail around whether Big Box competitors really hurt small businesses when they come to town.
Sarah Hiner
Sarah Hiner joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the things you can do when selling your home, that will maximize the chance of making a sale and the price.
John Swanciger
John Swanciger joins Jim Blasingame to report that small businesses are going to be heavily focused on social media in their marketing strategy for 2017, followed by PR.
John Swanciger
John Swanciger joins Jim Blasingame to report on the Manta survey of small businesses that indicate they aren’t focusing on search engine optimization – SEO – in their marketing strategy.
John Swanciger
John Swanciger joins Jim Blasingame to report on the Manta survey that asked small businesses about their marketing strategies, and which elements – social media, PR, mobile, etc. – they’re most likely to use.
Catherine Kaputa
Catherine Kaputa joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how some businesses owned their brand category, and how small businesses can do that by excelling in niches and niches of niches.
Catherine Kaputa
Catherine Kaputa joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that breakthrough brands are more likely to be focused more narrowly, rather than to try to be all things to all prospects, and they’re underpinned with a great business model.
Ken Gronbach
Ken Gronbach joins Jim Blasingame to discuss ways to improve your marketing strategy.
Beverly Flaxington
Beverly Flaxington joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some tips on how to communicate the value you deliver based on what customers have told you.

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