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Category: Networking

Ivan Misner
Joining Jim during his 8th anniversary celebration, Ivan talks about what he calls "scorched earth networking," which is doing all of the wrong networking things. Tune in to see if you're guilty of this unfortunate behavior, or what to do about it if you're the victim of it.
After conducting the first segment by himself, talking about the importance of networking for small businesses in the 21st century, Jim brings Darcy Rezac in to talk about what he calls positive networking.
Scott Allen
Scott and Jim talk about networking as one of the keys to success for small businesses in the 21st century, and how online, or virtual, networking can be a very effective way to build community.
Don Cooper
Don and Jim talk discuss the roles that attitude and expectation play in the success of salespeople.
Darcy and Jim talk first about some of the exciting things they are doing to grow the economy and then of the preparations for the 2010 Winter Olympics.
Andrea Nierenberg
Andrea and Jim talk about why networking should be a way of life, not a means to an end.
Keith Ferrazzi
Keith joins Jim to talk about some keys to success, including how to build quality relationships, the importance of doing your homeword when you're networking, and building relationship capital before you need it.
Ivan Misner
Ivan and Jim talk about how to make sure the people who know you are giving you as many referrals as possible.
Rupert joins Jim live from the SBA's <br>Small Business Expo in Washington, D.C. to talk about what Office Depot is doing to partner with small businesses. He also explains how small businesses can build a website and what they can do with them.</["br"]>
Ivan Misner
Just back from Davos, Switzerland, Ivan discusses how he trained a CNN anchor to interview participants at a networking gathering. He and Jim go on to discuss some of the myths of getting customer referrals.

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