Does computerized customer services annoy you? Karen Post explains why there needs to be a balance between managing productivity and being efficient.
Innovation, Creativity
Being an entrepreneur means producing a massive volume of work and for most of you and me this involves computer work. Karen Post gives you some tips to provent eye strain and pain from your comput...

Have you ever wished you could predict the future—and be right? Dan Burrus shares seven principles that can make invisible opportunities visible.

Smart Phones and Smart Pads aren't the only outlets for your small business apps. It's time to prepare for Television apps. Dan Burrus tells you why.

Small businesses should execute a teleworking plan with the objective that all parties will benefit from this new working arrangement.

Small businesses are better than big businesses at building brand value. Jim Blasingame gives you the facts.

Preparing ahead for future problems will save you time and headaches. More from Dan Burrus.

Is doing what you love going to bring in the big money? Not necessarily. Read on to find out what Tom Asacker suggests.

Where do you get your ideas for your blurbs to tell what your company does? Ilise Benun offers an easy suggestion.

When you get a new idea, how do you know you should take the leap and run with it? Terri Lonier offers some tips.
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