Category: Communicating
Steven Gaffney joins Jim Blasingame to suggest that you treat honesty inside of, and between teams, the way you deal with customers and vendors.
Steven Gaffney joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that setting the right tone and business rhythm is essential to help teams hold each other accountable with honest communication.
Jim Canterucci joins Jim Blasingame to reveal steps to take to make sure your interactions with key employees are as productive and fulfilling for them as for you, so they become less likely to be poached by another business.
Tom Anastasi joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that using a deflection, such as “can we table this for now,” or “I’d like to sleep on that,” as a way to slow things down in a negotiation.
Tom Anastasi joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to use the “two state” approach to negotiating, which is to resist making a concession because of a higher authority, such as a law, company policy, etc.
Skip Miller joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why numbers, names and time travel will get your prospecting email opened every time.
Sarah Hiner joins Jim Blasingame to report on the fact that our attention spans have decreased in recent years, including why it’s happening, and how to recover.
Brett Clay joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why you must know how far up – or down – you will go in a negotiation before you begin.
Brett Clay joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the way buying online has had an impact on our ability to be professional negotiators.
Mary Cantando joins Jim Blasingame to reveal tips on how to help your team members claim their own personal power so they can be more effective in their assignments.
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3rd Ingredient® (453)
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The Age of the Customer® (884)
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