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Category: Communicating

Paul Smith
Paul Smith joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the primordial case for using stories in your attempt to influence others, from employees to customers.
Diane DiResta
Diane DiResta joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that speaking mannerisms, like voice grinding, up-talking, grammatical errors and being sloppy with words will cause people you want to influence to disregard you.
Diane DiResta
Diane DiResta joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that if you use non-words, like Uh, Ah, and You know repetitively, when you’re speaking of delivering a presentation, you dilute the power of the message you’re trying to deliver.
Rick Maurer
Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why you should evaluate your team for their energy level and why it matters to performance and planning.
Rick Lepsinger
Rick Lepsinger joins Jim Blasingame to explain how to establish a balanced practice and culture of positive and corrective feedback.
Sarah Hiner
Sarah Hiner joins Jim Blasingame to reveal several reasons why we’re all guilty, at least part of the time, of being a bad listener, and how to change that behavior.
Karen Cortell Reisman
Karen Cortell Reisman joins Jim Blasingame to reveal several important elements of successful storytelling, including humor, being self-deprecating and the power of brevity.
Karen Cortell Reisman
Karen Cortell Reisman joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the mistakes people make when telling stories that weaken the impact, including taking too long, don’t wander off topic and telling the audience, “This is funny.”
Robert Grede
Robert Grede joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the power of turning your key points into a list of items that you can bullet in your letter, proposal or email.
Robert Grede
Robert Grede joins Jim Blasingame to reveal five writing practices that will help you get your ideas out of your head and properly organized on “paper.”

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