Thursday - September 01, 2011
How do companies provide excellent employee benefits without government mandates? Jerry Ripperger joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how many companies partner with their employees on health, wellness and retirement benefits.
Benefits are more than just health and retirement. Jerry Ripperger joins Jim Blasingame to reveal Principal’s 10 Best companies for 2011 and reveal how you can benefit from their best practices.
Do you have a 2nd in command executive, or just a glorified assistant? John Dini joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to grow your organization by developing and delegating to a 2nd in command executive, not just a manager.
Effective executives don’t surround themselves with “yes men." John Dini joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why you need to train a 2nd in command to be an executive, not just a manager, and encourage them to challenge you.
Are you training company leaders to be managers or executives. John Dini joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why executive thinking is critical to growing or hiring a 2nd in command that is capable of filling in for the CEO - that's you.
Technology has revolutionized the kitchen cabinet business. Anthony Saladino joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how technology and the Internet have changed the kitchen and cabinet design business.
Start-ups can get a jump-start by using the power of the Internet. Anthony Saladino joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how he uses the Internet to connect with, educate and sell to customers, plus what he has learned.
How were you influenced by others? Ivan Misner joins Jim Blasingame to share how others - especially teachers - invested in him and were very influential to him.
Who should you invest time in? Ivan Misner joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to differentiate people who "can't do" from those who "won't do," and how to deal with both groups.
Don't let anyone or anything hold you back. Ivan Misner joins Jim Blasingame to explain that, in America, where you come from shouldn't control where you go.
Friday - September 02, 2011
Could how you use your smartphone cost you business? Marsha Egan joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to be respectful - and smart - when using your smartphone, by simply not being rude.
Do you check your position when you talk on your cell phone? Marsha Egan joins Jim Blasingame to discuss proper mobile phone and bluetooth etiquette, plus when you should and should not take phone calls.
Do you regularly consult with your business attorney? Matt Cartwright joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why every small business owner needs a go-to attorney for contracts, insurance, etc.
Will technology eventually make anti-trust cases moot? Matt Cartwright joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the difficulty of prosecuting anti-trust cases, and how technology moves faster than anti-trust prosecution.
Is the government guilty of anti-trust - monopolistic - behavior? Matt Cartwright joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why the government is immune to lawsuits, even when its monopolistic behavior hurts private industry.
Can you hedge your retirement against the volatility of the stock market? Tom Hegna joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to use insurance and annuity products to give help you hedge your retirement plan against stock market instability.
Would you like to have a "playcheck" when you retire? Tom Hegna joins Jim Blasingame to discuss retirement planning and why a variable annuity should be part of your retirement goals.
Is the U.S. in danger of experiencing mob riots like the ones recently in London. David Adler joins Jim Blasingame to discuss recent London mob riots and compare them to flash mobs in the U.S.
America is more likely to fight an economic war with China than with bullets. David Adler joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the different ways that the U.S. is in a war with China where economics and monetary weapons are used instead of bullets.
The U.S. is not fighting the economic war with China effectively. David Adler joins Jim Blasingame to report what the U.S. must do to win the economic war with China.
Monday - September 05, 2011
Why isn’t there a day to recognize the real heroes of the marketplace? Jim Blasingame proposes a national day of recognition for those who produce over half of the U.S. GDP and employ over two-thirds of all U.S. workers – small business owners.
The fundamental job of politicians is to conduct the government’s business. Jim Blasingame reveals the results of a recent Small Business Advocate poll in which most people said political contributions should be withheld until politicians show they can work together.
Obama’s NLRB is the enemy of jobs and economic recovery. Diana Furchtgott-Roth joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how the National Labor Relations Board is actually preventing job creation.
Why do unions have their own federal agency, the NLRB? Diana Furchtgott-Roth joins Jim Blasingame to report on recent mandates that promote the rights of union workers, but not those who choose not to unionize.
Does Obamacare creates unfair competitive practices for health insurance companies? Diana Furchtgott-Roth joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the anti-trust elements of Obamacare, plus the impact of Obamacare on franchisees.
How did Labor Day originate? Ken Davis joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the origins of Labor Day, including the good intentions, violent reality and political influences.
Organized labor has long poltiical connections. Ken Davis joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the politics of Labor Day and unions, plus the current state of union public opinion.
Labor is a byproduct of the success of entrepreneurs. Burt Folsom joins Jim Blasingame on Labor Day to recognize the indispensable contribution of entrepreneurs – the job creators – to the U.S. economy.
Employee relations by small businesses are an example to celebrate and emulate. Burt Folsom joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the familial relationship between small business owners and employees and the lessons for others.
The marketplace should choose participants, not government. Burt Folsom joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the damage that is created when politicians decide to pick marketplace winners and losers.
Tuesday - September 06, 2011
The best small business capital is from customers. John Bradberry joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why every new venture must be proactive in acquiring customers and staying up with customer expectations.
Taking customers for granted is the kiss of death for a small business. John Bradberry joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why you must continuously ask how and why customers are using what you sell.
Are you running a disciplined marketplace marathon? Gary Harpst joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the patience, discipline and creativity required to survive and even thrive in a challenging economy.
Expect your most challenging times to be your most creative. Gary Harpst joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how recognizing the creative effect of economic pressure on the success of your business.
Americans respond best to leaders who inspire. Gary Harpst joins Jim Blasingame to compare what President Obama SHOULD say in his jobs speech in contrast to what he probably WILL say.
Are you taking advantage of the processing power of cloud computing? Mike Pugh joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the scalability and efficiency of the array of available web-based tools for small businesses.
You may be using the cloud more than you think. Mike Pugh joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the incrementalization, ease and reliability of cloud computing, much of which you are probably already utilizing.
How do you maximize fourth quarter sales? Skip Miller joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the first step to Q4 sales growth: Clean your prospect list from the previous 9 months and get rid of prospects that won't close.
Prospect for customers who will spend money in the next 90 days. Skip Miller joins Jim Blasingame to reveal Step 2 of Q4 sales growth: Find five new prospects who have money to spend in the next 90 days.
Maximize sales by maximizing compensation and recognition. Skip Miller joins Jim Blasingame to reveal Step 3 in maximizing Q4 sales: Beef up recognition and compensation for sales and service teams.
Wednesday - September 07, 2011
Email had made business communication easier, cheaper and faster. Christina Cavanagh joins Jim Blasingame to discuss email as a universal global tool of business communication.
Are you a good manager of all your electronic communication? Christina Cavanagh joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to manage multiple forms of electronic communication, like instant messages, texting and social media.
What does it take to be a small business influencer? Ramon Ray joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the criteria for identifying the 100 top Small Business Influencers.
With all the information you’re sent, do you need something to help you stay organized? Ramon Ray joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the prevalence of information overload and a great site to help you manage it successfully.
Technology allows a small business to have the same processing power as big businesses. Ramon Ray joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the impact of small business growth on America because of the incrementalization of technology.
How much do you know about cloud computing? Jim Blasingame reveals the results of a Small Business Advocate poll in which almost two-thirds of respondents say they have adopted cloud computing.
Do you know what it means to be an ISO quality certified company? Leslie Kossoff joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the history, evolution, requirements and costs of the ISO quality certification process.
Customers count on you and your vendors to be consistent. Leslie Kossoff joins Jim Blasingame to discuss integrating vendors in your internal quality assurance process for your customers.
How can a small business acquire a quality process credential? Leslie Kossoff joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to request a large business vendor to safely extend their ISO certification to your small business.
Thursday - September 08, 2011
There is no bad marketing, only some programs that work better than others. Jeff Zbar joins Jims Blasingame to discuss free and inexpensive online marketing ideas, including social media, blogs and SEO keywords.
If you don’t know how to take advantage of cloud technology, get help from an intern. Jeff Zbar joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to take advantage of cloud technology and tools for small businesses by utilizing college interns.
Finally, some good news on business optimism. Sam Norwood joins Jim Blasingame to report on this month’s Tatum survey, which indicates business owners are slightly more optimistic about the future.
Is the economy starting an upward trend? Sam Norwood joins Jim Blasingame to report on increased sales growth, capital expenditures and availability and employment, which is great news for the economy.
If you were one of Obama’s advisors, how would you advise him on his jobs plan? Sam Norwood joins Jim Blasingame to discuss what and how Obama should say in his jobs speech to inspire confidence in the economy.
What are you doing to encourage customer loyalty? Ranjith Kumaran joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the success of customer loyalty programs and the innovative programs available for small businesses.
What are the new 21st century customer expectations? Ranjith Kumaran joins Jim Blasingame to discuss lessons learned from starting and growing his business, especially in online marketing and customer service.
Don’t fall in love with how your deliver your product or service. Rick Smith joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why you must find different ways to deliver what you sell to foster customer and vendor loyalty.
When small business is strong, the world is stronger. Jim Blasingame offers advice to Pres. Obama on tonight’s jobs speech and how he can help small business do what it does best – grow and create jobs.
Friday - September 09, 2011
Jim Blasingame talks about his memories of the events of Sept. 11, 2001 and talks about the power of agape love in the fight against terrorism.
"I just keep shaking my head." Jim Blasingame shares some of his writings from the days after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, including the poem, "I just keep shaking my head."
Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to talk about his memories of 9/11 from a Washington, D.C. perspective, and what has been required - of people and government - to protect us since.
Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the policies, people and organizations that have courageously kept America safe since the attacks of 9/11.
Will Obama’s jobs plan actually create jobs? Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to discuss Obama’s jobs plan, including how he is still picking winners and losers, instead of competitive jobs growth.
Why does Obama keep picking winners and losers? Ray Keating joins Jim Blasingame to discuss Obama’s jobs speech which was the same rhetoric, more about politics and less about the economy and leadership
9/11 changed the lives of millions of people. Ray Keating joins Jim Blasingame to reflect on how 9/11 changed the lives of everyone in the New York area and how it feels 10 years later.
Why was Obama’s jobs speech such an embarrassment? Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how he feels President Obama's jobs speech is an embarrassment to his office and for the country.
The only way for evil to win is for good people to do nothing. Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame with reflections on 9/11 first responders, the continuing threat of terrorism, and the NYC commemoration.
Monday - September 12, 2011
In challenging times, it’s important to put things in perspective. Jim Donovan joins Jim Blasingame to discuss getting through challenging times by staying in the moment and focusing on what you have to be grateful for.
Are you taking advantage of online tools? Jim Donovan joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the ease of using online community-building tools and local search, which is the primary reason every small business must have a website.
Nicole Gelinas joins Jim Blasingame to report on the way a portion of Liberty Bond funds meant for reconstruction of the World Trade Center site were used for other projects.
Will Obama’s jobs plan encourage small businesses to hire? Nicole Gelinas joins Jim Blasingame to discuss whether Obama’s jobs plan will create jobs, or just create more deficit spending.
What will it take for the economic recovery to be over? Nicole Gelinas joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why the economy will not improve until bad consumer debts, like mortgages and credit cards, have been dealt with.
What do fast growth companies do to grow during a slow economy? Jay Myers joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how his company has survived and grown by hiring the right people and focusing on their niche.
Success for small business also comes with challenges. Jay Myers joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the challenges his fast-growing small business has had this year, and how to avoid succeeding yourself out of business.
The economy didn’t get this way overnight, and won’t improve overnight. Jay Mincks joins Jim Blasingame to report that while the economy still has challenges, small businesses can't wait for others to save them, they have to save themselves.
How do you lead a successful sales force in the new normal? Jay Mincks joins Jim Blasingame to discuss developing a successful sales force by hiring the right people and offering a compelling compensation and recognition plan.
Jay Mincks joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why you must constantly scrutinize every aspect of your business to stay competitive, including your brand.
Tuesday - September 13, 2011
The Concorde jet project, a financial misadventure, cost more than the alternatives. Jim Blasingame talks about the hardest decisions a small business owner can face: when to end a business pursuit or close the business.
Do you have a fighting chance or just a chance to fight? Jim Blasingame talks about the lessons learned from the Concorde Fallacy, “sunk costs” or the rule of holes and “pride goeth before destruction.”
Ed Kopf joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the history of pragmatism of the people of the Baltic States and their exciting move toward capitalism.
If your business partner does something you disagree with, do you take it personally? Ed Kopf joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why partners must maintain open communication to avoid bad feelings and misinformation.
“Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.” Ed Kopf joins Jim Blasingame to explain that if you feel you’ve been wronged by your business partner, it’s up to you to discuss it face-to-face.
Does your small business need a legal checkup? Charley Moore joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to know when you need professional legal help and when you can go it on your own.
Is your small business legally protected? Charley Moore joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the 7 deadly business legal sins, including liability issues incorporation and intellectual property.
Obama’s jobs bill also includes assistance for new sole proprietors. Richard Hooker joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the self-employment assistance provision of Obama’s jobs bill.
The new normal is a post-employment economy. Richard Hooker joins Jim Blasingame to discuss America’s post-employment economy because of increased efficiencies and technology.
Companies are looking for functional employees with ideas. Richard Hooker joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why companies in the new normal are looking for functional, entrepreneurial employees.
Wednesday - September 14, 2011
Paul Giovanni joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how he built a unique business around an unfilled niche in the child care industry.
Paul Giovanni joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the cloud program he developed to assist child care providers with collections, plus the associated privacy issues.
Research shows only 10% of training sticks. Pierce and Jane Howard join Jim Blasingame to discuss how much your business depends on well-presented training to the right people.
Training stickability relies on many factors. Pierce and Jane Howard join Jim Blasingame to discuss the advantages and challenges of online training vs face-to-face.
A large part of successful training is making a good match. Jane Howard joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why you have to match the right people with the right training, and effectively debrief, to get the best results.
Union strikes have a negative impact on small businesses. Mark Deo joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the impact of the looming California grocery workers strike over rising health care costs.
In the 21st century, should employees be more personally responsible and less reliable on entitlements? Mark Deo joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the pitfalls of public unions and why union members increasingly need to be more self-reliant.
Provisions of Obama’s jobs plan will not significantly help small businesses. Karen Kerrigan joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why the weak, short-term measures of Obama’s jobs plan will not significantly help small businesses.
Small business was looking for a bold, aggressive plan to create a better jobs environment. Karen Kerrigan joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the lack of small business confidence in Obama’s jobs plan, plus the burdens of the health care bill.
The government should be agnostic about what kind of jobs are created. Karen Kerrigan joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why Obama’s jobs philosophy not only picks winners and losers, but also attacks the private sector.
Thursday - September 15, 2011
Do you know how to take advantage of your intuition? Nancy Rosanoff joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how the genders make themselves available to take advantage of their intuition.
The quality of how you feel about your decisions makes a difference in the quality of the outcome. Nancy Rosanoff joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to make better decisions by making yourself available to your faith and intuition.
Myra Fox was a strong advocate for hospitalized children. John Fox joins Jim Blasingame to celebrate the life of John’s sister, Myra Fox, who was the inspiration for the Curious George character, “The Play Lady.”
Heirs should not have to sell to pay taxes, nor should they pay both estate and capital gains taxes. John Fox joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the “step-up” inheritance tax and the unreliability and of the estate and capital gains tax rates.
Congress should stop amending the outdated 20th century tax code. John Fox joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why Congress must reform the tax code to a more equal system and closer aligned with 21st century realities.
How does a small business know when to make the leap from peer-to-peer to server? Jim Blasingame talks about peer-to-peer and server networks, and how to know when to convert from peer-to-peer to a server environment.
Amazingly, research shows about half of small businesses don’t have a website! Jim Blasingame discusses why your small business must have a web presence to be indexed, because most online searches now are local.
How will Obama’s jobs bill impact you? Tony Paradiso joins Jim Blasingame to discuss his thoughts on Obama’s jobs bill as a small business owner and how the provisions might impact his business and other small businesses.
It's okay to fall in love with what you do, but not how you do it. Tony Paradiso joins Jim Blasingame to discuss profitability and being willing to morph your business to increase profitability, plus how to know when to cut your losses.
How will the economic climate of Europe impact the US? Tony Paradiso joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how Europe will impact the US in the coming months.
Friday - September 16, 2011
What do you do when key employees aren't getting the job done? Beth Ross joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to use a coach to evaluate and help key employees get back on track.
How do you tell a manager you're hiring a coach for him? Beth Ross joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to introduce and use an executive coach for key managers.
Why aren't small businesses more optimistic about the future? NFIB’s Bill Dunkelberg joins Jim Blasingame to report small business optimism is down severely, plus how Wall Street and Washington have contributed to the economic challenges.
Why is the economic recovery so slow? Bill Dunkelberg joins Jim Blasingame to report how weak sales, slow hiring and low capital spending continues to contribute to a slow economic recovery.
Hiring is up slightly, but will it increase with Obama’s jobs plan? Bill Dunkelberg joins Jim Blasingame to report small business hiring is up slightly, plus why Obama’s jobs plan will not encourage hiring.
How do your teams manage projects? Blaine Mathieu joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how his new cloud technology will allow you to collaborate with your team, customers and partners, wherever they are.
How can you become more efficient as an integrated partner with your customers? Blaine Mathieu joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to use web-based tools to become an integrated partner with customers.
Should small businesses be required to collect and remit tax on Internet sales? Steve DelBianco joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the #1 offender on the Fall 2011 iAWFUL list, a new Internet sales tax bill.
How do we prevent politicians from ruining the Internet? Steve DelBianco joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the Fall 2011 iAWFUL, which points out ten of the most egregious examples of political meddling with the Internet.
What do we do when the government commits anti-trust practices? Steve DelBianco joins Jim Blasingame to compare the anti-trust impact of ObamaCare with its anti-trust fight against ATT and T-Mobile.
Monday - September 19, 2011
How well are GOP candidates connecting with voters? Ruth Sherman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss what can be learned from the communication styles of the GOP presidential front-runners.
More niches mean a healthier small business sector. Jim Blasingame talks about how small businesses should think about niches, whether for a new business model or a new direction for an existing one.
What do small business owners think about President Obama's ability to create jobs? Jim Blasingame reports on two Small Business Advocate polls which indicated more than 80% of respondents had no confidence in Obama's jobs plan.
What does niche thinking have to do with marketing? Ed Abel joins Jim Blasingame to discuss creating niches, but also how to market a niche business model.
What's different about marketing to a niche? Ed Abel joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the issues of marketing to a niche, including knowing who the niche customers are and how they want to be reached.
Is filling a niche more about product or service? Ed Abel joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the elements of a market niche and how to identify and serve them.
Every organization with customers must develop and execute a social media strategy. Frank Kenny joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why chambers of commerce should work closer with small business members through social media.
Social media is not an option for Chambers of Commerce. Frank Kenny joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why local chambers must be social media thought leaders and teach small business members how to find the RIO in social media.
Why do some presidential candidates campaign better than others? Ruth Sherman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the challenge of presidential hopefuls to communicate the story of their campaign and emotionally connect with voters.
President Obama gives good speech, but how well is he connecting? Ruth Sherman joins Jim Blasingame to explain that Obama’s great oratorical skills aren't helping him connect with other government and political stakeholders.
Tuesday - September 20, 2011
Part of happiness is being able to put things in perspective. Kita Szpak joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to live a happy life by keeping things in perspective even when bad things happen.
Being happy is not a passive activity. Kita Szpak joins Jim Blasingame to discuss talk about happiness as a verb - you have to make the choice to be happy and then live that way with intention.
Don’t forget the upcoming personal tax filing deadline. Barbara Weltman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the upcoming October tax filing deadline, including a few last minute tax filing tips.
What are some of the key small business tax deductions? Barbara Weltman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the Section 179 direct expensing, bonus depreciations and other 2011 tax provisions, plus a look at 2012 tax planning.
The Obama Jobs Bill tax breaks are nice, but will they cause small businesses to hire? Barbara Weltman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why economic growth and certainty will cause small business to want to hire, not Obama's tax goodies.
Two-thirds of adults online are using social media sites. Janet Goda joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the compelling stats indicating that the majority of your customers would connect with your business through social media.
Network Solutions wants to help your small business get build a Facebook Fan Page. Janet Goda joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why your small business should have a Facebook Fan Page and how to get started, plus a special offer.
Is the U.S. headed for another recession? Richard DeKaser joins Jim Blasingame to say that he does not think a double-dip scenario is likely, but that the economy will "muddle" along for the next year or two with 1% to 2% growth.
Reforming the U.S. tax code could contribute greatly to economic recovery. Richard DeKaser joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the dysfunctional manifestations of the 20th century tax code and create a simple code that fits 21st century reality.
Does the Fed have any more ammunition with which to influence economic recovery? Richard DeKaser joins Jim Blasingame to talk about some of the tools the Fed still has to influence economic recovery, but that list is smaller and less impactful.
Wednesday - September 21, 2011
When a business relationship ends, are you communicating professionally? Diane DiResta joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to respectfully and professionally communicate closure of a business relationship.
Is there a communication gap between the generations in the marketplace? Diane DiResta joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the differences between how Baby Boomers and Gens X and Y communicate one-on-one.
Senior professionals are an excellent project resource for your business. Josh Costell joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to use the brains and contacts of retired professionals, and pay them a success fee for specific projects or opportunities.
When should you pay a consultant for performance instead of by the hour? Josh Costell joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to find, work with and compensate retired professionals as consultants on a success fee basis.
Is solar energy a viable alternative since it has to be so heavily subsidized? Josh Costell joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the economics of the solar energy industry and the poor business model of Solyndra.
What do small businesses need from the automobile industry? GM's Jennifer Costabile joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the relationship between of the U.S. auto industry and small business, plus GM's focus on small business customer service.
How committed is GM to delivering alternative fuel cars and trucks for small business? Jennifer Costabile joins Jim Blasingame to discuss some of GM’s alternative fuel innovations, including electric and compressed natural gas (CNG) for fleets.
Why did the U.S. Secretary of Commerce make news in China? Ted Fishman joins Jim Blasingame to report on why the "regular guy" behavior of Commerce Secretary Gary Locke made news during a recent trip to China.
Why should Americans care about Indonesia and Singapore? Ted Fishman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss his recent trip to Indonesia and Singapore and what we should know about these two countries.
The days of only caring about what happens in the U.S. is over for small business owners. Jim Blasingame talks about why forces caused by the evolution of the global economy will impact every small business in the U.S.
Thursday - September 22, 2011
Has Wall Street become its own worst enemy? Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how digital greed has caused Wall Street to become a self-serving entity that actually is detrimental to the future of capitalism.
Small businesses have more technology options for growth and profitability. Jeff Zbar joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the growth decision process of small business: whether to outsource, acquire technology or hire an employee, in that order.
What does your seasonal marketing strategy look like? Jeff Zbar joins Jim Blasingame to discuss lead times for seasonal marketing opportunities, from print to online marketing to social media.
Research shows the majority of small businesses do not recover from natural disasters. Pete Lamson joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to protect your digital assets with easy and affordable web-based back-up systems.
Your digital assets may have more value than physical assets. Pete Lamson joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the many automatic and inexpensive backup options today through web-based back-up services.
How much of your valuable IP is in your computer data? Pete Lamson joins Jim Blasingame to discuss businesses have valuable IP data and more and more may need to prove the IP is protected.
“This above all, to thine own self be true." Joan King joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how she learned to live a "life on purpose," when she decided to follow her own expectations instead of those of others.
Do the human cellular processes influence how we live? Joan King joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to combine introspection and neuroscience as a way to find fulfillment and happiness.
Could you be driving a hydrogen powered car soon? Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to reveal new hydrogen power innovations that could change our transportation paradigms.
New radio spectrum innovations could shift the wireless industry paradigms. Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to report on innovations that "spin" radio waves to increase capacity by a factor of 10.
Friday - September 23, 2011
Is your business growing - even a little? Pat Sigmon joins Jim Blasingame with thoughts on how to grow your small business even when the economic news is not encouraging.
Is it time to stop listening to CNBC and start believing your own economic opportunity? Pat Sigmon joins Jim Blasingame to talk about when to stop listening to the media about the global economy and start believing that your business is growing.
Are you using 21st century resources to your advantage? Pat Sigmon joins Jim Blasingame to reveal several new ways of looking at human resources, inventory, etc., that can help your business grow more efficiently.
Don't let technology tools be and excuse for poor business correspondence. Debbie Meyer joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how the advantages of technology have also contributed to degrading the quality of business correspondence.
Business correspondence should not look like a personal note to a friend. Debbie Meyer joins Jim Blasingame to discuss proper business correspondence best practices, whether email, texting or social media.
When will the global financial crisis end? Tracy Eden joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how mistakes made in trying to stabilize the global financial crisis have impacted small business.
Main Street small businesses must reclaim the U.S. economy. Tracy Eden joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the reality of our economic challenges and how to prepare for this marathon recovery.
Are you using all of your financial resources efficiently? Tracy Eden joins Jim Blasingame with advice for developing a comprehensive capitalization plan that includes financing, adequate margins and forecasting for growth.
Sometimes “no” doesn’t mean “never,” it may just mean “not today.” Beverly Inman-Ebel joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to turn rejection by prospects and customers into opportunity.
Are men more inured by rejection than women? Beverly Inman-Ebel joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the differences in how men and women handle rejection, plus why "No" is better than "We haven't decided."
Monday - September 26, 2011
Is the president or Congress most responsible for the current economy? Jim Blasingame reveals results of a recent Small Business Advocate poll in which both Congress and the president get low marks for their economic policies and performance.
The late Irish poet, John O’Donohue said, “…your spirit loves the danger of growth.” Jim Blasingame talks about how discovering your spirit helps you find the courage to grow.
Is someone born to be an entrepreneur or can you be trained? Bill Schley joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the fact that the concept of entrepreneurship is being defined in many ways.
What defines an entrepreneur? Bill Schley joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the characteristics of an entrepreneur and how they manifest in the marketplace.
Do you have an entrepreneurial organization? Bill Schley joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the "Century of the Entrepreneur," which will require more employees who are allowed to take entrepreneurial risks and managers that redeem them when they fail.
Do you have personal relationships with your customers? Jack Mitchell joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why your success is directly proportional to how well you develop and are devoted to quality customer relationships.
Main Street is more important to the economy than Wall Street. Jack Mitchell joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why America's economy needs to be driven more by Main Street and less by Wall Street and Washington.
When did shareholder activism begin and why should you care? Jim Copland joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the history of shareholder activism and how it is evolving, perhaps not for the better.
How are changes in shareholder activism impacting the marketplace? Jim Copland joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the new faces of shareholder activism, from environmental, to labor, to globalization activists.
Unions are using their pension funds to influence corporate governance. Jim Copland joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how unions are using shareholder activism to influence pro-labor decisions by major corporations.
Tuesday - September 27, 2011
Do you know where you're spending your money? Danny Kofke joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the most important things to know in order to manage your finances successfully.
What are your personal financial priorities? Danny Kofke joins Jim Blasingame to discuss establishing personal goals and priorities and stick with them.
Don’t try to sell your business unless you are fully committed. Russ Brown joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why being fully committed to selling your business is the first step before you start the process.
What is the 2nd and 3rd steps to getting your business ready to sell? Russ Brown joins Jim Blasingame to discuss evaluating how your business would be attractive to a buyer, including the financial package, plus the prospective buyer profile.
How do you determine the fair market value of your business? Russ Brown joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to determine a fair market value for your business including recasting your financial statements.
Obama’s 21st century campaign strategy defeated McCain’s 20th century campaign. Jim Blasingame explains how 21st century tools - email and social media - was the likely difference that helped Barack Obama become president in 2008.
Do you have a Street Team? Melissa Wilson joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the fundamentals of social media: connect, engage, exchange and create, plus how to develop your own Street Team.
Here's a great entrepreneurial success story. Tom Markel joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how he capitalized his first business by first finding customers and then looking for capital.
Do you know who has the perfect capital? Tom Markel joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that, if you're trying to get a new venture oft the ground, look for initial capital from the most perfect source - customers.
How do you find capital? Tom Markel joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to find capital for your business and after you find it, what to do with it, plus the importance of looking for customers before investors.
Wednesday - September 28, 2011
Millions of Americans have chosen to become small business consultants. Gene Zaino joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why "solopreneurs," independent consulting and service-oriented small businesses, is a fact-growing sector.
Confidentiality and trust are everything to a consultant. Gene Zaino joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the small business consulting and services sector, including how critical are confidentiality and trust to success.
Does Herman Cain have a chance? Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the whether Herman Cain's recent surge says more about him or the rest of the field.
Will Gov. Chris Christie enter the presidential race? Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to discuss whether Gov. Chris Christie will join the presidential race, plus a prediction for the ultimate GOP nominee.
Why is Obama sounding shrill and desperate, even with his base? Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the status of Obama’s campaign and how the Independents will ultimately view the two parties in 2012.
Over 2 billion people use YouTube daily. Kathy Perry joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why and how to use the power of YouTube to connect with customers and grow your business.
It's easy to create a YouTube channel for your business. Kathy Perry joins Jim Blasingame with the steps to set up your own YouTube channel, plus why you should think of yourself as an expert.
Prepare to have your sensibilities shocked. Trend tracker, Gerald Celente joins Jim Blasingame to reveal his thoughts on how bad things have gotten in America and around the world.
What would "direct democracy" look like? Gerald Celente joins Jim Blasingame to reveal his ideas about how America can get back to being great by changing to what he calls, "direct democracy."
Is there anything hopeful in America's future? Gerald Celente joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the only thing that he thinks can save America - direct democracy - and how that would work.
Thursday - September 29, 2011
Do you do things to cause customers to say, "What were they thinking?" Olalah Njenga joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some "what were they thinking" business and marketing examples you don't want to be guilty of.
Can you answer fundamental questions about business infrastructure? Olalah Njenga joins Jim Blasingame to explain that passion does not always equal business success, plus the importance of professionalism.
How one prophet predicted the future of small business. Bruce Piasecki joins Jim Blasingame to reflect on the late British economist, E.F. Schumacher, who prophesied about the value of small business two generations before it was cool.
E.F. Schumacher was a witness to a century. Bruce Piasecki joins Jim Blasingame to discuss E.F. Schumacher’s economic philosophy of social response capitalism, which favors decentralization, creativity, innovation, and enterprise.
Schumacher warned about inhumane practices of corporations – people matter. Bruce Piasecki joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how the world has become more swift and severe and why we must be more humane capitalists by realigning money, people and rules.
Social media helps your business be relevant to customers. Wendi Caplan-Carroll joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the symbiotic relationship between social media and email.
Do you need social media training wheels? Wendi Caplan-Carroll joins Jim Blasingame to reveal a new, free social media tool for small businesses that need help getting started with social media.
Please meet a national treasure. Austin Kiplinger joins Jim Blasingame to celebrate his 93rd birthday and talk about his life as a business publishing icon and a gentleman farmer. More in the next segments.
With 93 years behind him, Austin Kiplinger joins Jim Blasingame to celebrate his birthday to comment on how Europe, the U.S. and other global powers are dealing with excesses of the past.
From his 93 years of perspective, Austin Kiplinger joins Jim Blasingame to celebrate his birthday and reveal his thoughts on how to succeed in a world that is experiencing high-velocity changes.
Friday - September 30, 2011
The old adage, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is,” is especially true when investing. Pat Huddleston joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to be a more vigilant investor by understanding your own investing biases.
How can you avoid even the most convincing investment scam artists? Pat Huddleston joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to avoid even the most compelling investment scams, plus the legal scams perpetrated by the large investment firms.
The big spending political party is whichever one is in power. Pete Sepp joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the fiscal irresponsibility of both political parties, which is why actions, not campaign rhetoric is important.
The U.S. now has the highest corporate tax rates in the world. Pete Sepp joins Jim Blasingame to discuss some of the tax proposals currently in Congress, plus whether forming the Congressional Super Committee was an act of political cowardice.
The U.S. national debt is projected to be $20 trillion by 2020. Pete Sepp joins Jim Blasingame to discuss what has to happen in order for America to reign in deficit spending and reduce our crippling debt.
You gain an advantage when you present a professional proposal. Ilise Benun joins Jim Blasingame to discuss proposal best practices, and the effectiveness of presenting professional proposals face-to-face or web conferencing tools.
Do you know how to respond to an RFP? Ilise Benun joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to prepare for a request for proposal (RFP), and how to know when to not respond, plus how a proposal can have a long shelf-life.
Is the global economy headed for problems? Bill Brandt joins Jim Blasingame to report on what he sees across the globe with regard to the possibility of a recession, or worse.
Why isn't President Obama doing better in the polls? Bill Brandt joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the reasons why President Obama is in jeopardy of losing the election in 2012.
How much do Democrats regret nominating and electing Obama? Bill Brandt joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the behind-the-scenes reality of the Obama re-election process and possible challenges.