Millions of small businesses sell personal services instead of tangible products and because the pricing isn’t as intuitive, many service businesses too often don’t charge enough. Don’t make the pr...
A written business plan is an assembly of facts, ideas, assumptions, and projections about the future. Planning is measuring your business motion against the baseline of assumptions and projections...
In the marketplace, there are actually three different clocks at work that every business uses: one for operating expenses, one for sales, and one for cash. Let’s take a look at how these three clo...
Retail customers pay at the point of sale, but business customers usually expect an open account relationship. However, when you extend credit, you haven't made a sale, you've extended a loan. Here...
Make your bank your business’s best friend by showing them that you understand and support what they have to do to help you. Improve your loan chances by understanding the Six Cs of Credit.
Blasingame’s 2nd Law of Small Business states: “It’s redundant to say undercapitalized small business.” With limited financial resources the potential for bankruptcy is always hard by. To gain a be...
Jim reveals what’s happening where the rubber-meets-the-road for Main Street businesses, and lays out the steps to take advantage of the financial assistance the government is offering during the p...
This is the final installment of Jim's 3-part series revealing the answers to small business's five financial mysteries. In this article, you'll get a better handle on how to manage your cash, acco...
Do you know the difference between profit and cash? If you don't and you think you could use a little help with your financial management, read on. This could be just what you need.
This is the first of a three-part series on how to prevent your company from joining those who are driving the increasing mortality of U.S. small businesses. In this installment: the demystificatio...