Small Business Advocate Jim Blasingame advises small business owners and entrepreneurs to consider more than just wages in their investments and business deals.
Small Business Advocate and The Age of the Customer Jim Blasingame explains how you can evaluate how beneficial a crowdfunding business loan would be for your small business.
Jim Blastingame writes about small businesses being stuck between inflation and lack of pricing power.
Jim Blasingame writes on how small business banking relationships are strengthening and asks the question: "How is your small business being funded?"
What's you small business attitude toward banking? Jim Blasingame writes on banking relationships.
Cash-strapped businesses can obtain the goods and services they need without any drain on cash flow. Barbara Weltman give you two strategies to do this effectively.
Your business will need a lot of cash if you’re paying for stuff before you sell it. If you’re growing fast, this negative cash flow cycle can cause a catastrophe. Expert John Warrillow discusses t...
If your small business needs capital but you’ve been discouraged from seeking financing by the media coverage of the supposed credit crunch, don’t be dismayed. There may be options available to you...
Spring cleaning doesn't have to wait. You can start early, and you should for the sake of your small business. Jim Blasingame explains.
Barter opportunities for small businesses can help with inventory control, cash flow and may have tax advantages. It can be part of a survival strategy in a slow economy.