If your small business is bankable and you need a loan, you'd go to a bank. But, Jim Blasingame warns, if you aren't and are considering online alternatives, be sure you fully understand the requir...
Millions of small businesses sell personal services like consulting, website development, or janitorial services, instead of something tangible. Unfortunately, pricing a service is not as intuitive...
In the marketplace, there are actually three different clocks at work that every business uses: one for operating expenses, one for sales and one for cash.
Jim Blasingame explains the difference between a sale from which you collect payment immediately, and a sale/loan when you extend credit terms to your customer.
Jim Blasingame explains the 6 fundamental underwriting elements lenders will use when considering a loan proposal for your small business.
Jim Blasingame reveals the most critical small business CEO tasks that result in success or failure like in the knowledge and practice of financial management fundamentals.
<p>Before any product or service is offered to customers, the price must be determined. The foundational element of this calculus are costs ...</["p"]>
Small business expert Jim Blasingame discusses the difference between cash and capital, plus growth management guidelines for both.
The Small Business Advocate Jim Blasingame addresses the changes he foresees in small business borrowing in the next 10 years.
Brain Trust member Dawn Fotopulos of BestSmallBizHelp.com explains how she plans to cut back her spending this year and how you can too.