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Category: Business Planning

Jim Blasingame
When do you change the DNA of your business from sole proprietor to a legal entity? Jim Blasingame discusses the reasons to form a corporation or LLC, and the triggers that should help you decide when to take action.
Norm Brodsky
If you've survived, you've become a better manager. Norm Brodsky joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why businesses who have survived the recession are poised to take advantage of opportunities and increased profits as the recovery progresses.
Stephen Wunker
This is an exciting time for innovative start-ups who can create demand. Stephen Wunker joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the current creative environment for start-ups because of technology and availability of creative resources.
Stephen Wunker
Niches are powerful new market builders. Stephen Wunker joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how start-ups should identify new markets by tightly defining the niches to develop and customers to target.
Leslie Kossoff
What role does infrastructure play in quality process? Leslie Kossoff joins Jim Blasingame to explain the role of your organizational infrastructure in executing a quality process in your small business.
Leslie Kossoff
Small business owners must decide to transition from quality service to quality process. Leslie Kossoff joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the beginning steps of quality process, which begins by deciding to do it.
Leslie Kossoff
The quality process by any other name is still important. Leslie Kossoff joins Jim Blasingame to review the evolution of the name the quality process but that the importance hasn't changed.
Peter Meyer
Small business, like America's Founding Fathers, should challenge dominating assumptions. Peter Meyer joins Jim Blasingame to talk about why you should challenge assumptions that may be ruling your behavior and holding you back.
Colin Price
Niches are helping small businesses compete globally. Colin Price joins Jim Blasingame to discuss competing in the global 21st century marketplace by filling and serving niches and leading change.
Pamela Harper
What are your global strategy expectations? Pamela Harper joins Jim Blasingame to talk about why your expectations should be clear and realistic with regard to your goals, organization and other stakeholders.

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