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Category: Sales, Sales Management

Rob Jolles
Rob Jolles joins Jim Blasingame to reveal what it has looked like when they realized that the lucky breaks they were getting were coming from their prior preparation.
Rob Jolles
Rob Jolles joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the principles of luck, including whether there is a performance process behind the luck you find.
Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame reveals why saying "no problem" instead of "you're welcome" or "thank you" is the equivalent of a business death wish.
Jeff Zbar
Jeff Zbar joins Jim Blasingame to talk about why future success will depend heavily on how many seeds you plant in the marketplace today.
Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame reveals how having great success in growing your top line sales number could also produce a cruelly ironic cash flow challenge that could be disastrous.
Brad Huisken
Brad Huisken joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how value is perceived.
Brad Huisken
Brad Huisken joins Jim Blasingame to explain that there are three kinds of customers: the gonna buy, the not gonna buy, and the edge.
Brad Huisken
Brad Huisken joins Jim Blasingame to explain that the goal of every sales presentation shouldn't be to make a sale, but to make a friend, which will ultimately lead to making sales.
Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame reveals why and how The Age of the Customer has changed the rules of selling, especially with regard to business prospecting.
Cliff Ennico
Cliff Ennico joins Jim Blasingame to reveal important tips and best practices on how to network successfully.

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