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Category: The Age of the Customer®

Patricia Greene
Patricia Greene joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why every small business must leverage technology to gain and maintain customers as their expectations evolve.
Grant Leboff
Grant LeBoff joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how the competitive advantage model has been replaced as the first prospect consideration with whether you’re attractive, or relevant to them.
Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame reveals why even though both Wall Street and Main Street are mutually excited about the economic future, if Wall Street is overheated and collapses, Main Street will be harmed the most.
Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame reports on why Main Street and Wall Street are suddenly both excited about the future together, but that Main Street has nowhere to grow unless the economy improves in reality, not just emotionally.
Pam Danziger
Pam Danziger joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that if you want to take advantage of the retail vacuum being created by retreating big retailers, you have to step in with both high touch service and high tech capability.
Pam Danziger
Pam Danziger joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why there is a retail vacuum being created right now by retreating large retailers and how small businesses can fill that vacuum.
Barbara Weltman
Barbara Weltman joins Jim Blasingame to report on the details of how a border adjusted tax works, and why it could create more U.S. jobs.
Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame reveals some of the components of the small business special sauce that can be used profitably to occupy the vacuum being left on Main Street by retreating big box retailers.
Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame reveals the causes of the Barbell Effect, why it’s taking down legacy big box retailers, and why the vacuum being created should be good for smart small business retailers.
John Horvat II
John Horvat joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that while delivering value was the key to success in business for generations, and continues to be important, today value has been preempted, not replaced, by the ability to demonstrate our values.

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