Category: Customer Care
Are your customer and employee data secure? Christian Renaud joins Jim Blasingame to explain why your digital assets and customers' information should be protected from digital thieves, accidental transmission or other disasters. Plus, they discuss how federal laws require certain security requirements.
How can open innovation enhance your customers'experience? Robert Brands joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how the open innovation process can help you improve the customer experience and grow sales revenue.
Do you know why customers buy from you? Jeff and Chad Koser join Jim Blasingame to report on their case study, which found that customers may not do business with you for the reasons you think.
Do you know why existing customers leave you for a competitor? Jeff and Chad Koser join Jim Blasingame with tips on how to know what customers want from you, because it likely has changed from when they first did business with you.
Do you know what your customers experience when they do business with you? Robert Brands and Jim Blasingame discuss how to use innovation to provide customers with the experience they want when they connect in person or virtually.
Why are existing customers motivated to do business with you? Chad Koser joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the why you should stay in close contact with the real decision makers of your existing customers.
What one company does about getting customers to come back. John Suh joins Jim Blasingame to explain what his company, LegalZoom, is doing to make sure their customers return to do business with them over and over again.
One of the most important elements in successful customer retention is the experience. Jim Blasingame talks about why more than product or price, the reason more customers come back to do business with you is because of the experience they have with your small business.
How can using a simple pause be a way to defuse a potential conflict with customers and others? Nance Guilmartin joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the power of a simple pause when dealing with difficult situations with customers, as well as with employees.
How does a small business execute a customer review feature on its website? Neal Creighton joins Jim Blasingame to explain three ways to put customer review technology on your small business website.
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3rd Ingredient® (453)
Banking, Investors, Capital (1523)
Business Planning (1146)
Communicating (1504)
Coronavirus (891)
Customer Care (1373)
Economy: Nation, Global (3834)
Entrepreneurship (3718)
Financial Planning (855)
Franchising, Licensing (272)
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Sales, Sales Management (2127)
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The Age of the Customer® (884)
Training, e-Learning (387)
Work-Life, Balance (2165)